Chapter 10

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Tom POV:
Y/N had been gone for a good while. I told frank i would be right back and went to search for her. I looked everywhere when the bar tender stopped me.
"Hey you looking for a drunk hot chick?"
"She went outside with some guy"
I bolted out the door knowing well who that guy was. I looked around and no sign of her or anyone. Shit! I called Harrison
"Hey mate"
"Harrison y/n has been kidnapped" I said with fear in my voice
"What the hell mate!! How?! Wasn't she with you the whole night?"
"Harrison you can ask questions later we need to find y/n ASAP. Pull up John Krasinski I bet he's the one who has her.

Once I got in the car they blind folded me so I wouldn't see where we were going. I was scared shitless thinking I was getting ready to be killed for being stupid. They tied up my hands so I couldn't fight but even if I wanted to I couldn't. The alcohol was way to much on my body. The car stopped and they took the blind fold off of me.
"Get out" John said still with a gun pointing at me. I tried my best to get out but I was so drunk I could barely stand.
"Someone a bit tipsy?" Jake asked
"John carry her" Jake demanded
John grabbed me and put me over his shoulder. But not gently like he once was with me. This time he was harsh and grabbed me so hard my arms started to sting. They took me down to a basement where they tied me up to a wall and a bright light was shinning on me.
"We shouldn't have to do to much Holland will come soon" Jake said
"And if he doesn't?" John asked
"Then we'll kill her"
You gulped. Tom and you hadn't been on the best of terms more than likely he wasn't going to come look for you. He was probably happy that he could live his bachelor life again. So I was dead meat at this point. Jake, John and the rest of his crew left the room and you were there by yourself. You cried for once in your life you wanted Tom to come save you like he always did. You laid there for what seemed like hours then you threw up on yourself.
"Oh gross" you said vomit on your mouth and clothes. You heard the door open and saw John coming down.
"Jake said to come check on you ...and what the fuck is on you?"
"I vomited from all the alcohol can I at least clean myself up?" I asked
"I'll go get you a shirt and here's a rag to wipe your mouth. He said throwing the rag on my lap. I'll be back" John said
"Uh John?"
"What?" He said forcefully
"I can't wipe my mouth if I'm tied up."
"Oh dear God" he said picking the rag up and wiping your mouth harshly.
"I'll be back with some other clothes"
John was a very harsh person but definitely seemed to have an inner sweet side. He came back a few moments later with a men's white shirt and some black gym shorts.
"They may be big but make them work" he said throwing them at me.
"Okay can I be untied now?"
"Fine but I'm tying you back up right afterwards" he said cutting The rope off my hands and feet.
"I'm staying in here tho so make it quick I got other things to do" he said turning around
You changed quickly and tried to roll the shorts at the waist to make them fit you a bit better. John tied you back up to the chair and left.

Tom POV:
"Found anything?" I asked impatiently
"Tom I'm doing everything I can this make take some time" Harrison said
"Y/N could be dead by now Harrison! Wait a minute" I moved Harrison and got into the computer
"What are you doing mate?"
"I forgot I put a tracking device in the heel of y/n shoes"
"You track your wife?"
"For reasons like this yes Harrison"
"Well good thing you did"
"Pull up this address Harrison"
Once he did I knew exactly who's house it was
"Get your gun we have a woman to save"

"Alright y/n where's Tom?" Jake asked getting close to my face
"I don't know normally he's here by now" I said worriedly afraid of what they may do to me.
"Look chick we cleaned up your fucking vomit tel us where you think he is!!!" He said shouting

"Right here asshole!" Tom said stepping out
"Tom!!!" I yelled
A bunch of shots were firing and I saw John collapse next to me he was definitely dead. Harrison came and untied me and took me with him.
"Wait what about Tom?" I asked concerned
"He will be fine come on"
"No not without Tom"
"Are you crazy?!" Harrison asked
"Yes how do you think I got here?" I grabbed Harrison's gun and went back shooting the remainder of the men including Jake
"Tom!!" I said dropping the gun running over and hugging him
"Thank god your alive!" He said hugging me back and kissing me.
"And what are you wearing?" He asked laughing.
"I vomited on myself from all the alcohol so they got me a shirt"
"I'm just glad your alright" Tom said hugging you
"Thank you Tom" you said hugging him tightly with a tear rolling down your cheek.
"Your welcome darling. No matter what we've been through it's still my priority to keep you safe okay?"
You shook your head yes and all three of you headed back home.

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