Chp 2

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Trigger Warning! Stabbing included in this chapter. Please do not read if you are sensitive to this.

Tom POV:

I didn't want to go apologize to y/n but at the same time I didn't want to make things any harder on myself than I had too. I went to her house and found her in her room listening to music on her bed. She noticed me walk in.


she glared and didn't say a word. I took off her headphones

"hey!" she exclaimed

"look we need to talk. I don't want to do this and I know you don't either but look y/n its how things are. We either make the most of it or we can live the rest of our lives like this. I'm sorry for what I did years ago. I shouldn't have gotten you in trouble for my own amusement."

"ha! You think a shitty apology like that is going to make me forgive you?"

"no but my parents told me to apologize and I did. Get your stuff packed we leave in the morning." I said leaving.

Y/n POV:

I woke up dreading the day only wanting to go back to sleep and pretend all of this was a dream. I was forced to sign the papers, to marry Tom, and to live with him. My whole life that was ahead of me was now gone. I told myself I wouldn't talk to Tom or my family only Sam, Harry, and of course Paddy.

Tom came and picked me up. Both of us not saying a word to each other. I didn't tell my parents goodbye or even his parents. I was too angry at both families. After what seemed like hours of driving we arrived to Toms mansion. I got out of the car and grabbed my bags. We walked inside me following Tom.

"your room is upstairs" Tom said not even looking at me just his phone.

"thanks for the awesome directions" you said sarcastically.

There was an elevator at the front so that made it a tad easier but each floor was way to long and had way to many rooms to know which one was yours. You ran into one of Toms best friends. Harrison. You met him one time and didn't have an issue with him.

"Harrison right?"

"yeah and your?"


"nice to meet you."

"same to you. Um is there anyway you could show me where my room is? Tom didn't exactly give me the best directions"

"yeah no problem"

you walked around the corner and your room was there. You walked inside and found it much bigger than your old room at home. It had a queen sized bed a huge flat screen tv and a really nice bathroom.

"cool thanks Harrison"

"no problem and don't worry Toms room is on the third floor so you two shouldn't see each other much"

"oh so he's already told you"

"oh yeah. I know a lot" he said laughing

He left you alone and you started unpacking thinking of ways to make this whole situation better. Unfortunately you couldn't think of any. The only thing that would make this situation better is if you escaped. You finished unpacking your things and then laid down on your bed hoping to just fall asleep and be anywhere else but here.

A knock at the door awoke you. It was Harrison.

"hey Tom wants to see you in his office"

"well I don't want to see him"

Harrison was taken aback he was surprised that you stood up to him. Most people didn't.

"if you don't come then Tom will and trust me he isn't as nice as I am."

"fine" you said getting up slowly.

he lead you to where Tom's office was

"come in y/n"

you walked in his office and sat down in one of the two chairs facing his desk. The room was white with wood flooring at pictures framed on the walls of Tom and his family. He also had a small book case to your right and what looked like a security camera system on your left.

"so this is your office"

"yes it is and don't think that you can come in here whenever you want"

"or else what?"

"believe me darling you don't want to know"

you rolled your eyes.

"why did you call me in here anyway?"

"to go over some rules and you just learned the first. Never enter my office."

"what's the second? Never touch your suit collection?" you said laughing. Harrison quietly snickered in the corner. Making Tom glare at him.

Tom shook his head

"shouldn't have done that darling"

Tom got out a knife and stabbed it right into your thigh. You screamed in pain. As he talked he held onto the knife slowly getting deeper into your leg. Getting his face close to yours with an angry look in his eye.

"listen, if you want to survive in my house you live by my rules got it?"

you nodded

"I said got it?!" he yelled

"yes sir"

"good" he said retracting the knife from your leg quickly which made you scream again. Your leg was over flowing with blood but you didn't dare move. Now that you knew what Tom would do you knew you had to follow his rules.

"Harrison get her taken care of" Tom ordered as he wiped off my blood that covered the knife.

You tried to get up but you fell on the ground. Harrison picked you up and carried you into a small medical room.

"I'm sorry he did that to you"

you were still woosy and started loosing consciousness. All you remember seeing was Harrison waving his hand in front of you then it all going black.

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