Chp 6

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To be honest I was a bit disappointed at Toms reaction when I said aww. I thought he was starting to formulate feelings for me and the scary thing is I'm definitely forming them for him. But I can't fall in love with a mobster. I just can't. 

I was sitting on my bed reading when I heard a knock at my door. I went to go open it. 

"hey Tom"

"I got your dress and shoes your wearing for tonight. We are leaving at 6 pm sharp so be ready.

"yeah sure" I said taking the dress and shoes from him. He started to speak again but I just shut the door in his face. Why did I want to love this man so badly? It was weird and I was creeping myself out. The best way for me to throw away these feelings is to not speak to him anymore than I have to. I looked at the dress and I swear this was something a stripper would wear but of course Tom has to be seen with a hot girl. After I took a shower and did my makeup it was already 5:30. I started to hurry and put the dress on trying my best to pull it down to make it longer but of course that just made it lower at the top. I decided to leave my hair down and wore the black pumps that Tom gave me. I took a final look in the mirror. 

"I definitely look like a stripper"

"I definitely look like a stripper"

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you walked downstairs trying your best not to trip since you never wore heels or even dresses for that matter. Tom and Harrison were both waiting in their black suits. 

"damn" Tom said. 

"well Tom you really like your girls to dress like strippers huh?"


"ughh never mind lets just go"

the whole car ride to the gala was quiet. You could see Tom and Harrison exchanging looks with each other but you didnt care. 

When we got there Tom parked the car and went over the plan with Harrison

"and y/n you just stay by my side all night ok?" Tom said

"I do have a gun you know" I said pulling it out to show them.

"thats only if you really need it otherwise I'll be there to protect you"

you rolled your eyes. 

When you all got inside it looked like a club not like a dinner party. But you figured this must be how mobsters party. It was quite dark inside so it worked in Toms favor of having Jake not recognize them and the music was so loud you couldn't hear anything from across the room. Again in Toms favor. Both of them were trying to scope out Jake and be low key. I just sat there staring off into space. 

"hey y/n do you want me to go get you a drink?" Tom asked

"you know what Tom just because we have a stupid contract doesn't mean that I can't protect myself or do things for myself. So no I don't want you to get me a drink when I can go get one myself" I said then getting up to go to the bar. I was sick of being Toms arm candy. I knew I could protect myself very easily. 

"hey waiter 1 margarita with extra alcohol please"

I wanted to forget this night even happened. 

"who are you here with?" a guy next to me asked

"a couple of assholes" 

he laughed

"well your way to pretty to be hanging out with assholes"

Tom POV:

I was so confused why y/n was upset at me. 

"did I do something Harrison?"

"I don't know mate girls are weird sometimes."

"I should probably go get her"

"wait just leave her alone for a bit we have an eye on her and she has a gun. I think shes good" Harrison said having one hand on my shoulder trying to make me sit back down again

I saw y/n talking to a guy which for some reason made me mad. Then I realized who that guy was.

"Harrison its Jake"

"what where?"

"y/n is talking with Jake" I said pointing ever so discreetly. 

"hey she is part of the plan. We should probably go so we can finish this out while he's distracted."

"I don't want to leave her there with him. He's a very dangerous man"

"she will be fine come on"

but before we could even get up to leave I heard yelling then a gun shot. 


As I was talking with this guy he was getting weirder and asking me weird questions. He kept trying to make me leave with him. That's when I realized this guy was Jake the man Tom was trying to take down. The man that had ordered those men to attack me the other night. Jake didn't know what I looked like only that Tom had a wife. So I decided I would prove myself to Tom and everyone that I can defend myself well. 

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I yelled at Jake before shooting him in the leg. That's when other guys came to try and attack me but because I have boxed all my life (something most people did not know about me) I was able to take all of these guys down within a heartbeat. One guy came running at me with a bat so I shot him, grabbed the bat from him and started hitting every guy that came towards me. Once I had taken down every guy by myself. I went over to Tom. 

"can we go now?" I asked

he nodded with a very surprised look on his face. But just as we were about to leave Tom and Harrison were masked and handcuffed by two guys that came out of no where. I tried to run but Jake ended up coming up behind me and holding me tight.

"well you must be Tom's wife. I didn't know she was such a firecracker"

I tried to escape from his grip but I couldn't

"should've killed me when you had the chance sweetie. Alright guys get all three of them in the truck"

you tried so hard not to move but these men were way bigger than you and stronger. They hit you on the head and you blacked out. 

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