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Every Sunday, Marianne and Ashleigh would clean the entire house. Both of them hated messes and disorganization, and weekly cleaning was a perfect solution to preventing messes.

"Ashleigh," Marianne called from in the kitchen. She put the sponge down in the sink and walked toward the staircase. "Would you please come down and do some of the laundry?"

"Coming," Ashleigh responded. She took her hamper out of her closet, and walked out of her room. Before making her way to the top of the stairway, Ashleigh checked to make sure that her phone was in the waistband of her sweatpants. After verifying its presence, she picked back up the hamper and walked downstairs.

"You can just wash your stuff for now, Ashleigh. And please vacuum the house when you're finished, love." Marianne said from back in the kitchen. Ashleigh mumbled in agreement and silently continued downstairs to the basement. She walked over to the laundry room where she began to sort her clothes by color. As she added clothes to the black pile, she felt her phone vibrate against her, and heard the tri-tone notification sound go off.

Ashleigh assumed that the message was from Mail. The pair had traded numbers the night before, and Mali promised to keep in touch with Ashleigh after her departure. Once she read the message, however, Ashleigh was most convinced that the message wasn't from Mali.

unknown number: hey its cal :)

Ashleigh stared at her phone screen, contemplating whether she should answer the message or not. She had assumed that Calum wouldn't want to talk to her, and had only spent so much time with her since they were forced under the same roof. In reality, however, it was the complete opposite, and Ashleigh immediately felt bad for being so stony in character toward him the night that they left. Ashleigh sighed and tossed the jeans that she was holding into a pile of dirty laundry.

Ashleigh: hey. how are you?

Calum: im good thanks wyd

Ashleigh: just some cleaning. laundry rn ew

Calum: awh that sucks!

Calum: have you been watching any dr who?

Ashleigh: like one episode of it

Calum: did you reach angels take manhattan?

Ashleigh: lol no, its not the next episode

Calum: well I can tell you what happens in it...

Ashleigh: shut up calum

Calum: fine have it your way then

Ashleigh: that's what i thought

Calum: so you go to central sydney right?

Ashleigh: yes, why?

Calum: sweet, that's where i go

Ashleigh almost choked on her spit when she read the message. She had been going to school with Calum for over a year, but had failed to notice him anywhere. How she had managed to do that was absolutely beyond her. He was extremely attractive for one, and he seemed to be quite social as well.

Ashleigh: nice! :-)

Calum: i put noses on my smilies too babe !! :--)

Ashleigh: lol cool

Calum: sorry that was my friend luke

Ashleigh: that's alright, he seems pretty sweet

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