Chapter 1

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                                                                               Lily's  P

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                                                                               Lily's  P.O.V.

It was finally Saturday, the day of Billie Eilish's concert. I have been trying to be good all week just so I could go. I was kind of nervous honestly because this is the first concert I've been to. Also because I got V.I.P. tickets and I don't know what I'll do if I met her. While I ate breakfast I was checking my instagram feed when all I saw was mentions of the concert tonight. It's funny how slow the day can go when you're waiting on something.

It was 2:15 and I got bored waiting around the house so I called Scarlet, my best friend. 


Me: Hey girl wyd?

Scarlet: Nun just got done doing my hair

Me: oh. I'm bored what do you wanna do while we wait out the concert?

Scarlet: We can go get our nails done. And I literally can't wait to go to this concert.

Me: Sure. I'll ask my mom and ikr.

Scarlet: Okay. Let me get dressed I'll pick you up in 20.

Me: Ok. byee. *hangs up*

Me and Scarlet have been friends since 4th grade but she's older than me since she failed 3rd. Scarlet is 17 and I'm 15. Her dad got her a car on her 16th birthday. I swear that girl is literally spoiled.

By the time we came back from getting our nails done and getting a bite to eat it was 5:45. The concert was in about an two hours so Scarlet dropped me off so I can get ready. My mom got me this amazing outfit to wear and I'm not gonna lie it was pretty damn sexy.

When I was done getting ready it was 6:36 and I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and told her I was leaving out

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When I was done getting ready it was 6:36 and I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and told her I was leaving out. She said bye and told me to be back by 12. Scarlet pulled up and she was wearing this crop top and skirt but it was see through on the stomach part. As I got in she said, "Damn girl your mom let you wear that?" I Laughed and said, " well ig so. She's the one who bought it." She just smiled and we were off. Finally time to go to the concert!!!

                                                             Billie Eilish P.O.V.

It was almost time for me to go out on stage and I was excited and pretty hype. I love my fans and I love being on stage. The first song I was about to perform is "I Love You". I think Finneas really enjoyed working on this song with me. It was time for me to go on. I ran up on stage and said, "Wassup everybodyy!! How are you all feeling?! I started getting into the song and that's when I noticed this girl in the front. She was light skinned and she had blackish-brown hair. And that dress she was wearing everything. Damn she looked good! She was with this other girl I assumed was her friend and she looked cute but not better than her. She noticed me staring and she looked nervous and I looked away smiling to myself. I hope I get to see her again. After about 2 more songs the concert was over and I went backstage. And that's when I saw her. The girl in the sparkling dress. Damn she looked even more sexy up close. She covered her mouth in awe and that's when she said, "Oh my godd I can't believe this is happening rn. hii!" I just laughed and said, "hey. What's your name?" She replied," Lila. Can we take a picture?" I said ofc Lila and that's when she took a picture of us and saved it. That's when her friend said hi and told me her name. I wasn't really interested in talking to her though. I can tell she was getting upset because I wasn't really paying attention to her. Me and Lila talked for a while and her friend budded in sometimes too. Soon Lila said that it was about time for her to go and that it was nice to meet me and she grabbed her little jacket and they headed towards the door. I watched her walk and she had a pretty nice body but I snapped out of it and told her to wait. I took her phone and put my number in it and told her to call because she was pretty cool and I like talking to her. 

*This story is fictional and may not have the exact dates for which things happened*

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