Valentines specail

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A/N: so Valentine's Day is coming up so I decided to make a chapter dedicated to Valentine's Day. Hope you all enjoy.


3rd person Pov

Everyone was getting read for Valentine's Day. Everyone except for Kamiko who isn't that type of person. She prefers to be alone most of the time.

Saskue's fan club were buying chocolate and stuff for him. Sasuke on the other hand hated this day just as much as Kamiko.

Kamiko was just walking around the village. Everywhere see looked she either saw red bollons or chocolate for sale. 'I hate this day.' She thought angrily to herself. While walking back to her house she ended up bumping into the one the only Saskue.

"Sorry about that Saskue." She said shyly.

"Hn" is all he replied.

"Are you excited for Valentine's Day?" She asked him while getting off the ground.

"No I can't stand Valentine's Day. The most annoying part is the fan girls are always at my house and I want to be alone." He replied bitterly.

Just then a thought popped into Kamiko's mind. "Hey Saskue if your house is surrounded with fan girls you can come over to my house. No one comes near my house. It's in the place where my clan once lived."

"I would like that." He replied with a real smile.

'Was that just a real smile?' She thought to herself.

'Why did I agree to go over to her house on Valentine's Day? What made me say that? Was it her quiet nature or was it because she hasn't fallen for me? This girl is something else. There is something different about her that makes me want to talk to her.' Saskue thought to himself as he walked away.

Kamiko walked to her house and sat down on her bed. 'Saskue is coming over my house on Valentine's Day. I should cook him something to eat.' She got up and headed to the store to get some groceries.

'Should I make some curry?' She asked herself. 'He doesn't seem like the type of person to like sweet stuff. But 72%coco in dark chocolate isn't very sweet in fact it's bitter. Woukd he like that?'

Kamiko decided to get the dark chocolate that has 72% coco. (A/n:that chocolate is really bitter of any of you guys have tasted it before.)

She went to check out her stuff. Walking home with her stuff she saw a face that she recognized. Walking up to him. "Hi Naruto what are you doing by Sakura's house?" She asked him while setting the bags on the ground.

"I am going to give Sakura a gift card to the hot springs." Naruto said while grinning from ear to ear.

"Ok that's sweet of you." She said while getting her bags. She continued to walk until she saw asuma and Kurenai together. 'Being all lovey dovey I see.' Smirking evilly to herself. Walking up to them she yelled "WHY DONT YOU GUYS JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!"

They both turned bright red and yelled "SHUT UP KAMIKO! WE AREN'T GETTING MARRIED ANY TIME SOON."

"Ok but when you do can you please invite me?" She asked them rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Fine!" They both said and sighed.

"Yeah! Bye you guys!"

The next day Kamiko woke up to her front door being banged on. 'What time is it?' She thought to herself. Walking to the door and opening it she saw Saskue. 'Shit it's Valentine's Day!'

"Morning Kamiko. Happy Valentine's Day." He said as he walked in.

"Same to you. Please make yourself comfortable and I will start on breakfast."

"Ok sure and you were right when you said no one comes near this place." Saskue said as he sat down on her yellow couch.

After she made breakfast and eat it they just watched tv all day long and chatted about things. She learned about the killing of his clan and he learned about the killing of her clan and how she doesn't remember anyone killing them. 'This girl is the same as me. She is alone and that is why I feel this way towards her. That and she isn't a fan girl.' Saskue smiled as he thought about that.

"I will make some dinner and for desert I have some dark chocolate with 72%coco so it's bitter and not sweet." Kamiko said from the small kitchen.

"Ok cool." Is all he replied.

They ate the curry that she made. 'This is very good.' Saskue thought to himself as he took another spoon full of curry.

"So is the curry good?"

"It's good."

"That's good to hear. I was wondering if you liked curry since you don't like sweet things." Kamiko asked him while eating another spoon full.

"I don't hate curry." He said.

"Ok good." Kamiko smiled sweetly at him. That made his face turn red. 'That is a nice smile.' Thinking to himself.

"Thanks for having me over and here is a Valentine's Day present." He said to Kamiko. She opened the box up and saw a beautiful bracelet that had different charms on it. The charms were a dog, a cat, a fox, a heart and the leaf symbol.

"Thank you Saskue." She said as she put the bracelet on. "I will treasure this." Sasuke kissed her on her forehead.

"It's the least I can do for someone who saved me from the fan club. Kamiko face turned bright red. Saskue just laughed and walked away but not before he whispered in her ear "don't be falling for me now."


Remember this is just an extra so this doesn't happen in the actual story. As you can tell Kamiko is way more talkative in this one. So how did you like this special Valentine's Day chapter?

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