Chapter 12

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A/N:don't own the characters from Naruto only my own that I make up.

Sorry this chapter took so long to get up, summer just started so expect some new stories and for old ones to be updated.


Kamiko pov

When I woke up I was laying down against a tree. I looked down and saw a big gash on my stomach. 'Damn that's going to scar up.' I looked up to see kakashi still fighting Zabuza. They both had just done the water dragon justu.

Then after 20 minutes of Kakashi messing around with the poor guy he went down thanks to this tracker ninja. 'Nice shot dude!' I cheered in my head. Naruto started to run to the tracker ninja. But Kakashi stopped him.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I asked my team.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Sakura said to me while running up to me. Once she reached me she gave me a big hug.

"Ok Sakura! I know you're happy about me being alive but you're hurting me." I said trying to get her off of me. When she let go she smiled.

"Hey Kakashi! You look like you been through hell and back." I laughed at him.

He just gave me this close eye smile and started to walk to us. By us I mean me. Naruto, Sakura, and Saskue. Tazuna was behind the tree.

Before he reached us he collapsed. 'Just great he fainted.' I thought bitterly to myself. I got up from the tree.

"Kamiko what are you doing?" Sakura yelled at me.

"What does it look like I am doing?" I asked her walking up to Kakashi. "I am going to carry him to Tazuna's house."

"You are in no condition to be doing that!" She ranted on.

"Fine Naruto and Saskue carry Kakashi!" I ordered them.

"Ok Kamiko!" Naruto said.

"Hn" is all Saskue said.

"Let's move out!" I told them. "Lead the way Tazuna."

"Ok right this way." He said and began to walk. We where walking for about a mile or 2. When we got there his granddaughter welcomed us with a bright smile. "Hello Tsunami!" He said.

"Hello Tsunami!" I said while walking into the house. "Ummm our sensei got hurt during that battle so is there a place where we can set him down at until he wakes up?" I asked Tsunami and pointing to Kakashi.

"Oh dear! We have a guest room down the hall and it's the last door to the left."

"Ok thanks. Naruto and Saskue you heard Tsunami! I will be in there to deal with his bandages after I talk to Tazuna. Oh yeah Sakura can you help the guys out with Kakashi please."

"Sure." She said then ran after the boys.

Once I knew she was gone I went right to business. "Tazuna I have a feeling that Zabuza is still alive." I told him. He went white with pale. "Don't worry Kakashi will figure it out and train everyone to be stronger." I reassured him.

After I told him that I got up and went to treat Kakashi's wounds. 'His injuries aren't too serious.' I thought to myself as I bandaged up his chest that had a gash in it. 'Ok done now he should wake up any minute now.' I thought as I got up. As I was about to leave he woke up.

"Hello Kamiko." He said.

"Hello Kakashi. You shouldn't try to get up right away." I warned him. He chuckled and nodded his head. "I will get the others know you are up now." I smiled at him.

"Thanks Kamiko." With that I walked to the others.

"Hey everyone Kakashi is now up." I told them. They all got up and headed right to Kakashi's room. I followed them. They where all sitting around him. He started to tell them how he thinks Zabuza is still alive.

"How do we plan on taking on Zabuza?" Sakura asked Kakashi.

"I will be training all 4 of you guys." He said and sat up. "With my training you will be able to strong enough to fight him."


"We have about a week to train." Kakashi said.

"Ok! Tomorrow we will start to train right Kakashi?" I asked him.

"Yes Kamiko."

"Good thing. Now I am going to help make dinner." I said to them and walked into the kitchen where Tsunami was. "Can I help?"

"Oh sure you can. You can cut the carrots." She said. I got a knife and started to cut them into cubes.

"Thank you for letting us stay at your house."

"It's all I can do after you are protecting Tazuna." She said as she set of the table.

"Ok. Thanks again. I will call the others down for dinner now." I said to her and went to the room where Kakashi was sleeping at. "WAKE UP MR PERV!" I yelled in his ear. He bolted up.

"That wasn't very funny Kamiko." He said in a stern voice.

"You and I know both that it was funny just look at Naruto he is rolling on the ground laughing and OMG FUDGE IS THAT SASKUE LAUGHING!" I whisper-yelled. That just made Naruto laugh even harder. Kakashi just sighed.

"Why did you wake me up?" He asked in is bored voice.

"Oh yeah food is ready!" I smirked and walked away. I went back to the dinning room and waited for everyone to come in and eat dinner.

"Where is Inari?" Tazuna asked Tsunami.

"He is in his room looking at the ocean again." She said. He just sighed. A boy came down and ran up to Tazuna.

"Welcome home grandpa!" He smiled and hugged him.

"Hi kid!" He smiled and rubbed his grandson's hair. He just smiled.

"How are these people?" Inari asked his mom.

"They are ninja from the leaf and they helped your grandpa come home safe and they are going to help get rid of goto!" She said to him.

"There are no such things as heroes! They will only just die!" He yelled at us.

"Listen here kid! I am Naruto and I will help no matter what and there are heroes in this world!" He yelled.

"Inari is right! There are heroes everywhere! I don't know what happened to make you believe that we are wasting our time and that we will die but you should know one thing about me and that is I won't die until I accomplished my dream!" I yelled at him. "And one other thing you are stupid." After that I left the room. Everyone was quiet. Until I heard Naruto's voice.

"Yeah she is right! I will protect you bridge builder with my life!" I smirked at that because I know Naruto well enough to know he definitely will keep to his word.


What do you think of this chapter? Is it good is it bad? Comment telling me what you think.

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