Chapter 16

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A/N: only own my own characters. So today is my birthday so I am uploading a new chapter. Please enjoy.


Kamiko pov

It's been a couple of days since I started my training with Viro. During that time Sakura had mastered the walking on water technique. I am still working on the claw creation technique. I have to master that before I go into the ice claw justu. Naruto and Saskue are still working on the tree climbing technique.

Me and Sakura are at the bridge to protect Tazuna. "Hey Sakura why do you like Saskue?"

"Well he is smart strong and he is cute. Why do you ask?" She asked me raising an eyebrow.

"Oh no reason trying to make small talk because I am bored." Shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah it is really boring because there is nothing to do."

A guy goes up to Tazuna and wants to stop building the bridge. And he says go and don't come back. We sit around until it's time for us to leave. 'Yeah we are done guarding for today.'

When we go back to the house Tsunami had already made dinner. "This looks amazing." Kakashi said to her.

"Thank you." She said while blushing some. 'He is way too young for you.' Thinking about my training with Viro I didn't notice that I hadn't even eaten a single bit. Once I realized that I ate the food fast. Once I was done it was time for my training.

"Hey guys I will  be back in the morning!" Shouting from the door.

"Where are you going?" Kakashi asked me while walking towards me.

"Out to work on a new justu." Saying it too quickly that I kind of stumbled over my own words. He just laughed at me and let me leave.

When I arrived at the training spot I saw Viro sitting down on the ground looking at the water with the moons reflection. His hair was sparking from the light of the moon.

"Hi Viro!"

"Hi Kamiko. Ready for training?" He got up and walked over to me.

"Ready as I ever will be." Smirking at him. Me and him have became close. He smirked back and then told me that I was on my own for the rest of training and that he will just be around just to give me tips on how to do the technique. Nodding my head I started to concentrate on growing my nails long and fast. It took me about 50 minutes to finally get the technique.

"I got it!!!!!"jumping up and down.

"Great now show me."

I did the technique and he look please with me. He gave me a big hug. "Good job. Now you have to learn the ice claw justu. The way you do the justu is pretty much the same way you did the claw technique but you have to control the ice to be shaped like nails. It's very hard and takes a lot of chakra. It's a limited justu because if you use it too much your chakra will go down to zero and you could die."

"Nice to know. So how many times can you use the justu?"

"Well you have 3 shots until the justu wears off. But you can chose when to throw them. So it depends on how fast you use the 3 shots that determins how many times you can use the justu. I can do the justu about 3 times in a row so I have about 9 shots." He explains to me.

"Ok that's pretty cool."

"Yeah. It's a hard justu to learn. I will show you how to do it a couple of times." He says and then the air around me gets very cold and I look down at his hand and saw the ice claws forming. His nails doesn't grow at all. He shoots them. The run right through the tree and break the bolder behind it. 'That's powerful.' I was an awe of that strength.

"See its a strong justu. That was just one shot. And you can make the ice stronger to be able to break steel but that is more advanced." He explained to me. "Now you try to do the justu."

I focused the ice to grow on my nails. But it only covered my nails. It looked like a nice nail polish. I focused harder then they grew a little bit more. I decided to try to throw them and they only stuck into the tree and not very deep either. 'This is hard!'

"That was great for a first attempt." He encouraged me. "Try to focus more chakra into your ice to make it grow longer."

"Ok thanks for the tips." Smiling I focused on adding more chakra and mixed it with my ice and it grew a little bit longer then last time but when I threw it it broke on contact with the tree. 'The claws broke this time but it didn't break last time. My ice wasn't strong enough this time that means.'

"Your ice wasn't strong enough this time. It's hard to get the right mix of chakra and ice. This justu took me 2 years to master."

My mouth was opened like a fish out of water. It took him 2 years to master this justu. I am trying to learn it in a couple of days.

"I think you can master this justu in a couple of days."

"You think so?"

"Yeah you have a lot of chakra and you are very determined to become stronger."

"Thanks." I was blushing at him compliment.

"Is that a blush I see?" That made me blush harder.

"N-no it's not a blush it's just hot outside." I lied.

"Ok whatever you say Kamiko." He laughed. Never felt so humiliation in my life. Geez what happened to the girl who thinks guy have a sickness? I guess she is dead now. Too bad I miss her sometimes.

"Get back to working on that justu."

"Sir yes sir!" After practicing the justu a couple more times I started to get the hang of it. I looked over to see Viro sleeping on the ground. Walking up to him I yelled in his ear. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

He bolted up."never I repeat never tell in my ear like that again!" He said angrily.

"Ok fine I am sorry for yelling in your ear."

"Thank you! It's almost time for you to go."

"Yeah it is. Thanks for training me and teaching me everything."

"I had nothing better to do."

"Rude much!"

"Not really. I helped you didn't i? So I can't even be called rude!" He told me with his aragonite smirk on his face.

"True you did help me so thank you." And with that I left and went back to the house. When I got there I was all worn out!

"Hi everybody! I am back!"

"Oh cool welcome back Kamiko." Kakashi said from his place on the couch. 'Reading porn again?' Snickering to myself at my question.

Just then Naruto and Sasuke came through the door. "We made it all the way to the top believe it!" Naruto shouted. 'Can he please be a little bit quieter?'

"Good now all of you guys will be guards tomorrow." Just then Naruto fainted from chakra over use. 'Pushing himself way to hard again.'

"Hey Kakashi I am headed to sleep now too. I will take Naruto to his room." With that sasuke hands me the sleeping Naruto and I head to our rooms. Placing down Naruto in his bed I then turned off his light. 'That made me feel like his mom!' I thought to myself. When I reached my room I went right on to the bed and fell asleep.

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