Chapter 11

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A/N: only own my own characters.


Kamiko pov

'Wait the bunny is white. That means it was kept inside.' I groaned in frustration.'Can't we ever get a break from fighting?' I thought to myself.

I must have been thinking longer than I thought because the next thing I knew is a big sword is headed right for me. 'Shit!' I yelled at myself. I jumped into the closest tree just a second before it would have hit me cutting me in half like butter. 'That was a close one.'

"Are you alright kamiko?" Kakashi asked me.

"Yes. I am alright I almost got cut in half like butter. Yeah I am perfectly fine." I said sarcastically. He just sighed and turned his attention back to the big sword that is now stuck in a tree. Then his shirtless guy comes out of no where and stands on the sword. 'He is huge! This should be tons of fucking fun.'I said in my head.

Naruto starts to run up to the guy like the idiot he is. Kakashi stopped him."he isn't like the other ninja we fought. He is a jonin like me." Kakashi said.

"So Kakashi how do we go about fighting this over grown person?" I asked him jumping down to where he was.

"You guys don't. Get into mongie formation and protect Tazuna." He yelled.

"Oh if it isn't Kakashi of the sharingan eye." The guy said.

"Zabuza!" Kakashi said.' So the guy's name is Zabuza?' I thought to myself.

"Hand over the bridge builder." Zabuza demanded.

"How about hell to the no." I said to him.

"Shut up kamiko!" Kakashi said glaring at me. 'Damn I want to fight so badly.' I thought to myself.

"Awwwww. Fine Kakashi!" I said to him from my position next to Sakura.

"I guess I am going to have to kill you before I kill the bridge builder." Zabuza said. He jumped onto the water and did some hand sign. Fog started to come out of no where.

'Well damn did not see that one coming.' I thought to myself. Kakashi pulled up his mask to revel the eye that has the sharingan. I zoned out of Saskue's expiation of what it is. Personally I don't care what it is.

The fog got really thick. 'I can't see my hand in front of my face anymore. Well this is going to be interesting at least.' I thought to myself.

"I won't let my comrades die!" Kakashi said. He only said it because Saskue was about to kill him self out of fear. Zabuza then decided to say the 8 places where he can kill us. 'This guy is good. But not good enough.' I thought to myself.

I got my kunai out to get ready to defend myself against his attack. He showed up behind all of us and just as he was about to strike Kakashi hit hit in the gut with his kunai. It started to leak out water. 'Oh it was a water clone.'

Zabuza hit Kakashi and cut him in half but lucky for us it was a water clone also and Kakashi was behind him in an instant with a kunia to his neck.

"Hey Kakashi you sure you don't want any help?" I asked him.


"Fine! Whatever floats your boat." I said to him. The next thing is he is kicked and is flying into the water. Zabuza was behind him a second later.

"Water prison justu!" He said and then Kakashi was trapped. 'Useless Kakashi!' I yelled at him in my mind.

"Run and protect the bridge builder." Kakashi said. 'That became out of the question as soon as you got caught' I thought to myself.

"Hey Naruto! You thinking the same thing as me?" I asked him. He nodded his head and he ran to zabuza. He gets kicked and his headband comes flying off.

Zabuza started telling us about his past and how he killed his entire class. Bla bla bla. Things that I don't care about. Saskue tried to kick zabuza but he is caught by the throat and is slammed onto the ground. He is kicked in the gut hard that he coughs up blood.

'Damn! Got to think of something.' Naruto gets up and runs at zabuza yet again. He gets kicked again but he gets his headband back.

"Hey guy with no eyebrows! Put this in you're bingo book that Naruto the future hokage of the leaf village will kick your ass!" He yells at him.

"Run!" Kakashi said.

"FUCK NO! WHY SHOULD I GIVE UP FIGHTING?" Yelled at him. I turn to Tazuna. "Is it ok to fight?" I asked him. He just nodded his head. "Did you hear that Saskue and Naruto?"

"Yes!" They said together.

"Hey kamiko and saskue listen up I have a plan." Naruto said.

"Now you start to think about team work?" Sasuke asked Naruto.

"Ok guys lets get crazy." He said as be out his headband back on his forehead.

"Ok sure I am down with that Naruto." I smiled at him. Saskue just nodds his head. Naruto nods at me giving me his plan through eye contact. We both did some hand signs.

"Shadow clone justu." We both said. Then our clones went and charged at him. They where easily knocked off of him and threw. Naruto threw a shuriken to Saskue. Sasuke did his thing and threw the shuriken but aiming it at Zabuza's real body. Which he easily caught with his hand. Then the shadow shuriken was aiming right for him.

"Can't catch this one Zabuza!" I yelled at him. He just glared at me. He jumped over the shuriken. I just smirked at that. Then behind him the real version of me threw a kunia at the hand that was holding up the water prison. I landed in the water.

"Damn brat!" Zabuza said.

"Nice plan Naruto." Kakashi said to him. I got up and stood on the water. Zabuza was in front of me with his face all red.

"What's wrong Zabuza?" I asked him acting all calm.

"You are going to die!" He yelled at me hitting me with his large ass sword of his. I coughed up blood. 'Shit that hurt!' I heard people yelling my name but I was about to black out. I smiled 'so this is how I am going to die? I won't be able to find out who killed my clan. I won't be able to kick their ass into next week.' I thought to myself as I blacked out.

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