Chapter 46

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Hey everyone only 4 more chapters left. Sorry squeal time! Be looking for my new story. Thanks for reading.


Kamiko pov

We are headed to the land of rice patties. "Hey Sakura what are you actually going to do?" I asked her while looking over at Naruto.

"Well I am finally going to do something and get saskue back. I can't keep relying on Naruto and on you all the time."

"That's a good thing that you are finally growing up."


"I have a technique I want to teach you. Jiraiya can we stop for a second?"

"Sure I guess but don't take too long."

"Sure thing. Follow me Naruto Sakura." We walk to a clearing and I put my headband on. "Remeber Naruto and saskue's team work when we where fighting zabuza? I got the idea from them. Shadow clones with shuriken."

"What does that mean?" Sakura asked me.

"Naruto you and me are good at the shadow clone justu. So it's perfect for us and Sakura your good at well punching things. Ok you have nothing to do with this."

"It's fine. I will be over there resting."

"Ok Naruto follow me. Shadow clone. Now come after me."

He charges at me. I throw a kuni and another clone popes out and that clone throws another kuni which he dodges and another clone popes out. My clones that he didn't notice comes after him.

"That's s good technique." He said smiling.

"Yep and I have you to thank for it."

"It's a basic thing though."

"It might be basic but it works doesn't it?"

"Yes it does."

"With you, you can use your rasagon with that thing."

"Ohhhhhh cool idea."

"Your welcome." I walk back to Jiraiya and he is smiling at me.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes." We all say.

We where walking for hours and hours until we finally got to a town. It looked like no one was there.

"Hey old perv no one is in this town." I tell him sharply.

"That my Kamiko is wrong. I can smell the perfume from the ladies."

I fell to the floor and the for up and punched him in the head.

"What was that for?"

"For being a Pervy IDOIT."

"Ok well you guys should wait for me on the other side of this town."


"Oh yeah I need your money."

"Bitch. Use your own money." I yell at him.

"Hey you go." Sakura hands him her purse filled with money.

"He is just going to use it on drinking and ladies Sakura."

"As long as I can help with this mission." She said.

"Have you been brainwashed or something?" I ask her.

"No why?"

"Because he is just a big old perv."

"He is a master."

"I know that but he is a perv. Let's just get around this town. Old man don't take too long. We aren't in a land we know and ninja could come after us."

20 min I hear him running and screaming.

"Damnit you did it again." I yelled at him waking up Sakura and Naruto. " Let's get running."

"Ok." They both said. We started to run.

"We won't get anywhere like this. Shadow clone justu." My clones run at them stopping them in there tracks. "You guys fell for my trap. Feather bomb attack." Just then my bombs that I had my clones put around the area goes off.

"Good one Kamiko." Naruto says to me.

"Smart thinking." Sakura tell me.

"It was just a trap I had some of my clones set up in case we got chased."

"That was quick thinking there Kamiko. I am proud of you."

Just then someone jumps out from the bushes. And rushes for me. Getting out my kuni I block her attack.

"Bitch doesn't know who she is dealing with."

"You are an not from here."

"True hidden leaf ninja."

"Wait you aren't orochimarus men?"

"Nope got the wrong people." She then runs away.

"Hey guys I am going after her. Stay out and don't cause problems." I say and then run off on her direction.

My mark is hurting a little when she said his name. I finally caught up to her. "Hey wait up a moment."

She stops and looks at me. And then attacks me again.

"Girl your stupid. Shadow clone justu." My clones come at her and she is backed into a corner. "I haven't even gotten my full strength on you yet."

"Your strong. Can you help me get my cusain back?"

"He is a puppet of orchimaru? He isn't going to be the same."

"I don't care I want to see him."

"Ok. Fine go ahead follow me."

"Thank you so much."

'Don't trust her.' Kitsune says to me.

'I know. Something seems off about her.'

'She isn't right but she does want to see her cusion.'

'Yep. But he is with him and he has been probably been turned into an experemted on already.' 


Walking up to Jiraiya and Naruto I see Sakura is sleeping on the ground.

"So she wants to go and get her cusin."

"From orochimaru?"


2 hours after she told us the story she made us tea. We all fell asleep. And then some of orochimaru men comes around. I was hiding in the shadows and then my clones poffed away.

Jumping out of the bushes I tackle one to the ground, he kicked me in th guy sending me flying. Jiraiya catch me in the air and puts me down on the ground.

"Thanks old man."

"No problem. And I am not that old."

"Ha your old if you have white hair."

"I was born like this."

"So u where born old?"

"Just fight Kamiko."

"Ok we will talk about this after."

"Ok whatever just fight."

"Yay. Shadow clone justu." My clones attack. Some guy with spiders comes out. "Ewwwwww. Ewwwwww. Ewwwwww get them away from me like now." I jump on top of Jiraiya.

"Don't tell me your scared of spiders?"

"Ummmm yes."

"Get off of me." He then  pushes me off.

"Bitch." I do some hand signs "fire fox justu." My foxes destroy the spiders.

"You can beat the spiders." They crawl up on me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Get them off of me!" I run around trying to get them off of me.

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