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Hello to anyone reading this! I just want to say beforehand that this prologue may seem like a bit of an infodump. This is because I also wanted this story to be readable for anyone who hasn't read/seen the original books/film. The rest of the book is not like that. That said, this prologue still does contain new information as well.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)


There are a few things you should know before I tell you my story. Or actually... quite a lot. What can I say? My life was kind of a mess...

To start off with, a new disease was discovered five years ago, called 'Idiopathic Adolescent Acute Neurodegeneration'. We just call it IAAN, because honestly, who has the time to pronounce the whole name?

The problem is that it killed 98% of all children.
But the people weren't afraid because of all the deaths. They were afraid of the survivors, the psi. Of us.
The reason: children surviving IAAN would get special abilities.

All of us were forced into 'rehabilitation camps'. That's a fancy word for prison. Some of us escaped from the camps. Others, like me and my sister, ran away before they could take us. The people in the camps are living a horrible life. The people outside the camps are being hunted. Just because people fear our abilities.

These so-called 'talents' are divided into five different colors.

The Green have super-enhanced intelligence, or in my words; they are smart. They aren't considered dangerous.

Then there is Blue. That's me. We have telekinetic abilities. Pretty awesome, since you don't have to stand up when you need to get something. The adults are less enthusiastic about it. They are cautious around us.

Next up is Yellow. The color of Raiden. They can manipulate electricity.

After that, it starts getting dangerous.
Reds have pyrokinesis. Basically, they can control fire. According to Raiden, they have been disappearing. We think they died. Or maybe they are kept somewhere else. Maybe you think they sound aggressive. My little sister Blaze, however, is a Red and she is the sweetest girl I know.
I don't know if that says a lot though, considering the fact I don't know many other kids.

The most dangerous color is Orange. They have mind control. They can make you do things you don't want to do. Also, I found out that they can manipulate your memories. Oranges are so dangerous that they are shot on sight. It is said that no Orange is left.

Except that's false. Because I know an Orange and I also know what it feels like when he uses his power.

In that small moment, the one where I realized that he was going to use his power, I knew what he was gonna do. And there was nothing I could do. No way to fight it. The only thing I did was think about my best memories one last time.

Blaze, when I promised her I would always be there to protect her. My sweet little Blaze. How could I ever forget her small hand rubbing over my head, saying that everything was gonna be fine? It was easier than I imagined...

And Raiden. How much would I miss his cocky smile? How he always tried to cheer us up. How he was always there for us, even though we didn't know him that long. I realize now that he was our saving angel.

And now, I would forget. All of it. Every beautiful memory with them. Everything we've been through. It would all be gone.
I felt how he was messing with my head. Messing with my mind. A small tear rolled down my face. And then....

Why am I crying?

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