5. Convinced

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5 weeks after forgetting

I just walked out of the Yellow's cabin, on my way to Clancy when I got stopped by Nadia. She looked muddled like she just woke up. Made sense, considering it was still pretty early. The sun was still not fully up.

"Morgan? What's going on? Where are you going?"
She stood opposite of me and looked behind me to see Raiden getting up from the floor. "What-..."
Her face was confused, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, a little annoyed.

"I was just going to the showers when I heard some commotion. Why-..."

I started walking again without letting her finish her sentence. She stood still for a moment before jogging after me.

After being removed from any people, she grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop. I shook her off but stood still anyway.

"I thought we agreed to not do anything weird," she started.

"I changed my mind," I responded in a bitchy tone.

"Wow, okay. No need to get angry."

I started walking again.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to Clancy."

She sighed and seemed annoyed by my short answer.
"Okay, but why?"

"Because I have information on where to find a red and I'm gonna go get her."

She stopped in her tracks and I automatically stopped too.
"Did you get this information from Raiden? Is that why he looked so mad?"

"I did and yes."

"You can't tell that to Clancy. Don't you remember yesterday and what you said? That you know Raiden?"

"Yes, I do remember."

She gave me an expectant look.

"And I won't do anything with that information. It all sounds stupid, Nadia. It doesn't make sense and I know Clancy. I trust Clancy and he trusts me."

She was obviously frustrated by my sudden decision. She crossed her arms.
"Morgan, if you really do know Raiden, you are making a big mistake right now."

"Nadia," I said with the emotionless voice I had previously used with Raiden, "I don't care what you have to say. If you keep bothering me like this, I will not hesitate to report to Clancy that you have been up to some sketchy stuff. Believe me when I say that he will trust my judgment immediately. Continuing this will only get you in trouble, so I suggest that you walk away right now."

Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open for a moment. She just gaped at me, trying to comprehend that I just said that after being so nice the day before. With a smack, she closed her mouth, but still followed me.

We had finally reached the cabin that contained Clancy's living area. I stepped in and Nadia still stood outside. She tried one more time.
"Morgan, just think about-..."

She didn't get the chance to finish that because I slammed the door shut and walked further upstairs.

I stormed into Clancy's living space. He was buttoning up his blouse but looked up at my sudden entrance. He smiled, but it faded when he saw my seriousness.
"Anything wrong?"

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