2. The Yellow

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4 weeks after forgetting

"Name and color, please. And also, we would love to hear why you were spying on us."

I heard a loud gasp coming from the boy behind me and turned around. He was sitting on his knees and had his hands tied behind his back. Only then I looked up at him and I stepped back, now me being the one to hold in a gasp.

But why though? He looks like someone I know. But I don't know him. Surely I would remember if I had met this boy before right? So why don't I remember?

All of these thoughts were running through my head while I studied him. He looked older than I was. Even though Buz had said he looked 19 or 20, I just knew he was 19. He wore a gray tank top with greasy stains on it and over it he wore a black jacket. His black jeans had holes in them and were covered with mud.

His face looked just as muddy as if he had been rolling around on the ground. His dark brown hair - almost black - was messy, but that didn't change anything about his appearance.

I turned to face Buz, who was carefully observing all my movements. "Report to Clancy that there's a new one. Also, tell him that I can handle him for now. Leave the rest of your crew here."

He doubted for a moment and looked at me like he was about to protest when he saw my stern face. He nodded and hurried out the door. I turned back to see the boy kneeled on the floor. "Who are you?!"

Those eyes... They look so familiar.

His brown eyes looked at me with desperation, confusion, and... he looked worried.

Why did I care so much about how he looked at me anyway? It didn't matter. None of it mattered, he was just like the other ones, right?

I repeated my question since he didn't respond the first time. This time, I used a more threatening tone, just like Clancy does when he talks to disobedient children.

The facial expression of the boy changed when he heard it. Fear. But also, understanding, in some way.

"Raiden... It's Raiden. Yellow."

His voice was like a hammer to the heart. That accent... For some reason it completely threw me off. An unfamiliar feeling crept up on me. I felt torn and confused.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

The boys around me raised their eyebrows and exchanged weird looks. I knew I didn't make any sense. I mean, I did ask him a question and he answered. Like he was supposed to.

"Stop that."

His face turned... hopeful? I knew he saw it as well. My confusion. My weakness. I couldn't let that happen.

"Stop that!" I shouted out. "Do you even know who you are facing? I have a lot of power. I can kill you in one second with my talent if I'd like, so for your own sake, stop that!"

The boys around him backed a little away, but he kept looking at me with disappointment as if I did something that he never expected me to do.

But that can't be true, because I didn't know him. I have never seen him. So then why was I so disconcerted?

At the same time, he looked at me like he was challenging me. Like he wanted me to do it. I tried to ignore it.

I wasn't sure what I was gonna do. Clancy had told me that everyone who came in needed to be obedient to him - to us. For some, they just automatically did, because they were happy to finally have a safe place and did nothing wrong. For others, I had to threaten them or even send them to Clancy who would mess around with their mind.

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