15. a jess theory

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2.11: secrets and loans
15:a jess theory


     "So I got a Jess theory?"

     Lydia announces suddenly and Everleigh couldn't help but look up from the opposite side of her table. Lydia tends to surprise the girl a lot, especially with some of the things that come out of her mouth. One of those moments being now during their study session at Luke's.

    "Okay, what's the theory?" Everleigh pushes the subject further.

    "I think Jess a crush on you."

    Everleigh's smile slightly loosens, "That's not a theory, just a speculation."

    "Well, according to a dictionary, speculation is the forming of a theory. Therefore a theory. A Jess theory." Lydia explains with glee as the other girl raises an eyebrow.

    "Lydia, he does not have a crush on me." Everleigh sighs.

    "I think he does," The girl argues back with more excitement. More than she should have, "Have you really not noticed how different he is with you? To everyone he's so Rebel Without a Cause, yet to you he is just like Mr. Darcy."

    Everleigh giggles, "That's not —"

    "Shhh...I'll defend Mr. Darcy, till the day i die," Lydia interrupts and coughs dramatically, "As I was saying, the moment you two met, everything changed for him. He knew you were the one. His heart skipped a beat. —"

    The other teen raises a brow, "Are you done?"

    Bewildered, Lydia scoffs, "You can't tell me you don't see it?"

    "You're not making any sense, so no."

    "I may have exaggerated a bit but I still stand by it," Her best friend says as she looks outside the window, biting the bottom of her lip, thinking, "You're the only one that he trusts and he only shows his kindness when it has anything to do with you. — And I've seen the way he looks at you. It's different. Just think about it."

    This time Everleigh did pause but only just for a second. A second that Lydia picked up on, "I got a boyfriend."

    "That doesn't answer my question."

    Everleigh exhales sharply, "It's wrong of me to think about."

    Lydia pulls a face, "No it's not. It's a Jess theory. There's no harm in that."

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