20. surprise! it's dinner time

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2.17: dead uncles and vegetables
20. ❝ surprise! it's dinner time ❞


    "You slay 'em, we lay 'em, how can I help you?"

   Everleigh answers the phone, slumping down in the couch. There was a pause from the other end. Almost as if too stunned to respond but then suddenly:

"Richard are you sure you gave me the right number," there's an inaudible response behind the call, "— Then why do I have a funeral home on the phone?!"

    It was an unfamiliar voice behind the line but the mentioned name did ring a bell. She couldn't exactly place her mind to it. So she tries to cover her tracks, "Oh, I'm so sorry. My uh... guinea pig accidentally pressed a button for a school project."

    She didn't own a guinea pig.

    There's a pause, and then the voice, now sharper, responds, "What kind of school project involves funeral homes?"

    "The ones involving creative writing?" She offers weakly,

    There's a sigh on the other end, exasperated but polite. "Who am I speaking to?"

    "I'm Everleigh—Mark's daughter," she adds quickly, hoping to clear up some of the confusion.

    "Mark's daughter?" The woman sounds surprised, but her tone shifts slightly, almost curious now. "I see. I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, Everleigh. This is Emily Gilmore."

    She instantly knew who she was.

    Her whole posture straightens at the name. "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Gilmore," Everleigh says, "I'm sorry about the confusion earlier. My dad's not home right now."

    "I see," Emily says, and though she's polite, Everleigh can hear the subtle edge to her voice. "And where, might I ask, is he?"

    "Well," Everleigh hesitates but figures there's no point in dodging the truth. "He's, um, out with Lorelai. They're on a date."

    A pause. This one's more measured. Everleigh felt as the pause made things seem more intense and almost as she said too much. But then Emily replies with a lighter tome than she expected. "Ah, yes. The famous dates with Lorelai."

   "Yeah... They've been going out for a bit now." Everleigh admits, not really knowing how to respond.

    "Yes, well," Emily carries on, "That's precisely why I'm calling. We'd like both you and your father to join us for dinner this Friday. Seven o'clock sharp."

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