06. when jess met everleigh

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02.05: nick & nora/sid & nancy
06: when jess met everleigh


     Lydia Anderson wasn't like Everleigh Morgan; she wasn't a people's person. From what she's seen and heard, Everleigh has no problem making friends. She didn't know how the girl had the confidence to just approach a person and start a conversation with a complete stranger. Maybe it was because she was born and raised in a small town with lack of communication skills or maybe it wasn't in her to approach a stranger. She rather minded her own business and continued living.

     She really didn't know, but the drastic difference between them was there. The girl was in town for only a month and she already was making more friends than Lydia has ever made her whole life. Lydia truly was amazed by Everleigh.

    However, Lydia only was able to learn all that through her interactions with the girl. The actual thing that got them connected was one thing and one thing only;

    Their dislike towards Rory Gilmore.

     Everleigh might dislike the Gilmore teen because of the wrong actions towards her best friend or the fact the two tend to clash with one another due to sharing similar traits. ━ Don't take Lydia's word for it, that's just an observation she has made. Or maybe because the two girls were too stubborn to get to know each other after the first few interactions they've had hasn't gone all that smoothly.

    Anderson's reasoning was completely different. In fact, Rory and Lydia used to be friends. Really close friends, actually.

    Just like every other person living in this small and disastrous town, she knows every single person living here. So it was no surprise when starting kindergarten she made friends and the first ever friend she had was Rory. And of course later on, Lydia became friends with Lane Kim. The trio was inseparable and they'd do everything together. Then middle school arrived and they started to find different interests, making things to change in their friendship. Rory and Lane stayed closer together rather than together with Lydia and she was left with nothing but a heartbreak of losing her two best friends and them having more fun without her.

    She lost friends she cared about the most and they didn't miss her for a second. Lydia knowing she wasn't needed in the group, detached herself from both of them. The only one who sometimes tended to approach her was Lane and only her. Small talks passed between the girls from time to time but never the conversations they had before. Maybe Rory was too busy and distracted with her new private school or maybe she knew Lane was a better friend than she ever was.

    That's the reasoning behind her dislike towards Rory. A jealousy of some sorts if you like to put it like that.

     However, there was a silver lining in the situation after all; she became friends with Jo Williams. Someone who she can call her best friend even now. Plus, Everleigh seemed to enjoy her company as well. For what reason? She didn't know but she wasn't going to complain either..

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