22. jealousy, thy name is everleigh

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2.19: teach me tonight
22: jealousy, thy name is everleigh ❞


     Everleigh Morgan was not having a great time.

     The past few days have felt like hell. She's been trying to distract herself—throwing herself into her usual comforts: movies, sweets, anything to avoid thinking about Blaze or Jess. But no matter how much she tries to drown it all out, the weight of the breakup and the argument with Jess presses down on her like a boulder.

     She was lying on the couch, curled up, hugging a blanket tightly to her chest. A half-eaten slice of red velvet cake sits abandoned on the coffee table. Moonstruck plays on the TV for what feels like the millionth time, barely paying attention. Something that even Mark picked up on.

    He leans against the doorway, arms crossed, watching her for a moment. Contemplating whether it was finally the right time to ask what really was going on in his daughter's life. He sighs, "You've been like this for days."

     Everleigh doesn't move. Her eyes stay fixed on the screen, "I'm fine."

     Mark raises an eyebrow, stepping into the room. "You've watched Moonstruck every single day."

    She shrugs, pulling the blanket closer, her gaze still on the TV. "Maybe I just want to admire Cher's beauty."

    He glances at the untouched cake on the table. "And today you're eating red velvet cake."

    Everleigh shifts slightly, her fingers fidgeting with the blanket. "Maybe I was just craving it."

    "You do these things when you're trying to deal with your emotions." Mark states softly as he moves to sit on the edge of the couch.

    Everleigh's grip tightens on the blanket, and for a moment, she doesn't say anything. He was right, it was her way to silently deal with her emotions. She just wasn't expecting him to notice all these signs so simply. After a moment she finally speaks up, her voice quieter. "It doesn't matter how I feel. I'm fine."

    Mark sighs, leaning back a bit, his gaze never leaving her. "Did you get into a fight with Blaze?"

    Everleigh's body goes still. The weight of his words hangs heavy in the air, and for a moment, she feels her pulse quicken. Slowly, she sits up, clutching the blanket in her lap, trying to seem casual. Her eyes flick to Mark's, forcing herself to meet his gaze.

     "Why would you think that?" she asks, her voice a little too forced.

     Mark doesn't break eye contact, his voice soft but persistent. "Because you've been moping around, watching movies, eating cake, and acting like you've checked out of reality."

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