14. leaving old life behind

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2.10: the bracebridge dinner
14:leaving old life behind


"I don't know, I'm not used to it." Everleigh starts saying as she glances at her best friend, Lydia , " Last year the whole Christmas season would be boring. Blaze's family would come over, me and my dad would have a dinner with them and that was it. Nothing else, not a single tradition."

"Yeah, well, Stars Hollows goes fully out for Christmas. It's as if everyone channels their inner Martha May around this time around." Lydia mentions. Both girls making their way out of the school.

Everleigh wasn't lying, she wasn't used to it. In fact, she wasn't really keen on Christmas or its holidays. Never was. — Maybe when she was just a kid but what kid doesn't love Christmas. It's all about presents, Santa Claus and a lot of chocolate. As she grew older, however, things changed and opinions shifted.

"It's strange to me. I barely got to celebrate the holidays with my dad growing up and now I'm celebrating with the whole town at once." The girl says, biting her bottom lip, "So strange."

She knew she was having a dinner at the Independence Inn and a lot of people were attending. A lot of activities happening and Everleigh was freaking out. Her dad would stay for the dinner with Blaze and his family and then disappear to New York to visit Everleigh's sister. And so on every year until this year. It was a drastic change.

"If it makes things better, this is the craziest I've seen Stars Hollow go —." Lydia adds, trying to ease the girl's nerves but whatever she was trying to carry on saying, faded away. Students of Stars Hollow High erupt in loud chatter, grabbing both teens attention.

When Everleigh and Lydia looked up, they wasn't too sure what they were expecting: Mostly Everleigh, rather than Lydia. "You have to be kidding me!" Was the first thing that came out of Everleigh's mouth, picking up her speed to catch up to the scene.

"Oh, this is gonna be amazing!" Was all she heard from Lydia.

The scene in question — Blaze pushing Jess's chest, making the guy stumble but not hard enough. Jess manages to swing a fist his way to which Blaze dodges it. Both going back and forth. Everleigh had a lot of questions running through her head but at the same time, none at all. She was too stunned to speak or think.

The girls approached the fight just as Dean, who she didn't realise until now, ran up the guys, breaking them apart. Not until Jess tried to carry a fight with Dean but he was having none of it. Dean pushes Jess away from him but his arms held out just in case he tried to carry on, "Jess, knock it off, man!" Dean says, Everleigh glances at her boyfriend, to see his focus still on Jess, puffing as another student holds him back. Not even realising she was there. Lydia's hand grasped around Everleigh's arm, making her stay still. "What the hell is your problem?!"

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