10. introducing...robin, the sidekick

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2.08: the inns & outs of inns [ pt. 2 ]
introducing...robin, the sidekick


Rory Gilmore did not expect the night to turn out the way it did. It all was supposed to end with her, her mother and Mia attending a town meeting. Just to show the town hasn't changed all that much since her last visit.

Rory most certainly was not expecting to walk out of the meeting knowing it was all about Jess and the problems he has caused since his arrival. Or Luke defending his nephew. That certainly wasn't the plan but it happened. As the trio stepped out of Patty's studio, her eyes caught a glimpse of Blaze walking by the sidewalk. His head hanging low with hands showed deep in the pockets, kicking occasional small rocks that got his ways.

The girl didn't think twice before saying goodbye to Mia and leaving her mother's side to approach her friend. Either she was walking too quietly or he was deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice her presence until she greeted him, "Hey."

Blaze's head shoots up as he stops. His vision instantly landing on the Gilmore girl, his expression more so puzzled than before, "Hey." He looks around, "What are you doing here so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She hugs her body with a small smile

He chuckles softly at her, "I walked Eve home but didn't feel like going home  myself." He shrugs, "You?"

"Just got out of the town's meeting."

He groans, running a hand over his face, "It's still going on?"

"Yeah," She nods, tugging hair strand behind her ear, "You knew about it?"

"Eve and I heard about the meeting being called and joined in." He shakes his head slowly, "Wish we didn't."

"Oh," Her shoulders fall. Rory couldn't help but to pry, "Did something happen?"

"What didn't happen." He says bitterly, glancing down at the girl who was looking at him with so much curiosity in her eyes. He exhales, "Eve defended Jess in there and it wasn't just a small disagreement either. She stood up in front of everyone, called them insane, argued with Taylor over Jess and walked out after making everyone angry. — It didn't help when she didn't talk to me on the way home either."

"I mean if it makes you feel better, Everleigh wasn't the only one defending Jess." She tries, "Luke did it as well with my mom backing him up."

Here's a thing, Rory and Blaze have shared a few conversations together, not major ones to make them connect on an emotional level. There was, however, that tiny feeling inside of him that allowed him to feel comfortable around the girl. She never looked at him like he was an evil villain in someone's story or judged him by the mistakes he has made. He doesn't really know how much she knew about him and all the things he's done but he's sure Dean has let her in on some things. Especially the ones with Everleigh.

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