03. welcome home, everleigh morgan

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╭┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈𑁍ࠬ┈┈┈┈╮pre: red light on the wedding night❝ 03: welcome home, everleigh morgan ❞╰┈┈┈┈┈𑁍ࠬ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╯

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pre: red light on the wedding night
03: welcome home, everleigh morgan ❞


     Her dad had some news.

     Good News, actually. (His words, not hers).

    Everleigh being Everleigh, wanted to hear those news but once she did, she wished it wasn't true.

     The girl thought he might be getting a promotion at his job or maybe ran into a celebrity and somehow got their number. Or maybe winning a lottery or something to do with her high school. Those were some of her guesses when it came to 'news'.

    She certainly was not expecting to be told they were moving to Stars Hollow to be exact.

    Stars Hollow.

    No seriously, they were moving to Stars Hollow and she was the cause of it. If Everleigh hadn't mentioned the fact that the town is located between Hartford and New York, they would be moving somewhere else. Her dad's new job included loads of travels to Hartford and New York and they needed to move somewhere where it's close between those cities. Because living in either of those cities wasn't an option for them. Unless someone gave them loads of money to afford a life in one of those cities.

    "Do you think it's a good idea to move?" She sighs heavily as she rests her head in her hands, staring at the Venus Fly trap. It was her all time favorite plant and also a good object to talk to when she was feeling down. "I don't think I'm ready to see Blaze in two weeks, I probably should just ignore him. But in other news, you're going to like it there, Cleopatra. You'll be able to stay outdoors more.''

    She talks to her plants like they were tiny humans and in most cases helped her in stressful situations.

    The girl loved the idea of going back to Stars Hollow and being able to annoy Kirk, especially Luke. She just loved the idea of visiting the town again, not moving. She wasn't too sure she was ready to leave her hometown so abruptly. Chicago has been her home since she was ten and for the past seven years that's all she has known as home.

    But her dad seemed happy about the change. The light in his eyes radiated with excitement as he was announcing the news to her. The least she can do is be excited for him. After all, if you extend the picture and note all the things she has here in Chicago, the paper would stay blank.

    Not knowing what to do, she grabs the cordless telephone by her plant and dials her best friend's number. Not long after dialing the household's number he picks up and she exhales heavily, "Soooo, I got some news to tell you."


     She was stressed.

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