18. crap shack diplomacy

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2.15: lost and found
18: ❝ crap shack diplomacy ❞


"You've reached the Batcave. Alfred isn't available right now," Everleigh answers the ringing phone, her legs resting on Blaze's lap. Both teens are situated on the couch. Sometimes, even the teen herself is impressed with how quickly she comes up with these phrases.

Without hesitation, Lorelai, on the other line, adds her own twist, "Well, that's a bummer. I was really hoping he could recommend a good dry cleaner for my superhero tights!"

"Yeah, sorry. I'll have a word with him when he's back," Everleigh shrugs, playing with her boyfriend's fingers, his eyes glued to the television.

"That's the spirit."

"Are you looking for my dad by any chance?" Everleigh asks.

"Yes, is he there? It's urgent." The woman sounds desperate.

"Uh, sure." Her eyebrows crease together as she pulls the phone away and shouts, "Dad! Your lover is on the phone." Suddenly, there's a thud, some murmuring, and finally her dad's face appears from the other room. Blaze and Everleigh glance at each other in amusement.

Blaze looks at her dad, "Did you just run?"

"What—no. It—the box..." He scratches the back of his neck. "Did you say Lorelai was on the phone?"

The teen girl holds back a smile, "Yeah, the same one."

Her dad grabs the phone from her to go speak with Lorelai in private. As he disappears from view, Blaze turns to Everleigh, "So your dad and Lorelai are actually getting serious?"

Everleigh's attention drifts to her boyfriend, "Yeah, I think they are."

Blaze watches his girlfriend for a second, "And what do you think?"


"Like, Lorelai and your dad. Will you be okay if things get serious?" Blaze repeats.

"I'm not sure." She shifts her position on the couch, pulling herself closer to him, her legs dropping to the floor, her head resting on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her. "I think I will. I like Lorelai, she's nice, but I heard a rumor that when she gets with a guy, they usually last for two months on the dot—"

"They've been seeing each other a lot longer than that, so they're safe," Blaze reassures her.

"Yeah, I know." She plays with the fabric of her jeans. "But then there's also that time when I just moved here, and Lorelai called off her own wedding by going on a road trip instead."

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