Chapter 14

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Rubbing her hands together as the crisp morning air chilled her skin more than she expected it to at the time of year. Checking the time as she hurried down the street, she still had twenty minutes before the morning flower delivery was due. Picking up the pace deciding she would need a caffeine boost to help her through the morning.

The familiar signage of the quaint coffee shop came into view that she'd fast become a regular at. Pulling open the glass door she let out a defeated sigh noticing the morning rush of workers getting their coffee, joining the back of the line to wait her turn. Hearing the door chime ring out behind her she turned her head curious to see who was now stuck last in line. Her blue orbs land on a familiar redhead who she'd been meaning to talk to.

Waving at Kirishima as she turned to face him, "Hey, what brings you in so early?"

Offering Kaylea a toothy smile as he approached, "hey! I'm starting early to get a jump on a large piece for someone."

Her eyes shined in curiosity, "oh, what's it of?"

"It's for most of this lady's leg but it's just flowers, butterflies and skulls and she gave me complete creative freedom," cheering the last part. His eyes widened for a moment, "that reminds me I was going to come past and order some different flowers to work with."

"Not a problem just come past whenever," tapping her chin for a moment as she shuffled forward in line. "I also wanted to talk to you too so whenever ever you get a spare moment. We can chat flowers and tattoos," dropping a hint what her conversation was going to be about.

Kirishima ears perked at what the burgundy haired female had stated, "oh sounds fun!" the line shifted again, "your turn to order."

After she ordered her usual, she stepped to the side to wait for the caffeinated beverage. Hearing her order being called out she grabbed the cup before waving at Kirishima and reminding him to stop past whenever.

Kaylea quickly made her way down the street to her store, double-checking the time as she unlocked the front door and headed in to start the day. After packing away the morning flower delivery she flipped the open sign and began to fill online orders that were being collected shortly.

It wasn't long before customers were bustling in and out of the store picking up orders or purchasing bouquets for different events. Halfway through the morning a tall male with red and white hair hesitantly stepped into the store. Offering the guy who appeared no older than herself a welcoming smile, "good morning is there anything I can help you with?"

Approaching the wrapping bench his heterochromatic eyes taking in the different arrangements, "hello I'm hoping to get a bunch of flowers."

"Well, you've come to the right place," gesturing towards the pots of flowers. "So, first off who are the flowers for?"

"My mother," his eyes landed on a flower he had often seen in the house as a child.

"Is it her birthday?" following his line of sight to the dust pink peonies.

Shaking his head as he gently touched the soft petals, "what does it matter?"

"Well different occasions call for different flowers."

"Oh, I didn't realize," standing up straight to face the florist. " I'm visiting my mother in hospital. I haven't spoken to her in a long time and want to fix things," hoping the explanation would be enough.

Stepping around the counter and offering him a reassuring smile, "she'll be happy to know her son wants to fix things." Turning to the peonies he'd been eyeing, "does she like peonies?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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