Chapter 8

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Later that same afternoon the sound of the door chime broke Kaylea's train of thought, lifting her head as a voice cut through the quiet shop.

"You have really done a number on the place since I came past," the loud voice caught her attention.

Letting out a small squeal spotting a familiar blonde, "Hizashi what are you doing here?"

Watching the short female come from behind the counter, "I had something to do in the area and couldn't resist coming to see my favourite little florist."

Pulling the tall blonde into a bone crushing hug, "I know I'm irresistible."

Chuckling at her attempted humour, "so tell me what's been happening."

Shrugging her shoulders and taking a step back, "nothing much just got the window signage finished by a local artist."

"it does look pretty wicked for a flower shop," gesturing towards the large window now expertly done up.

Smirking at his comment while leaning against the counter, "how's the radio show going?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, "numbers are higher than ever!"

Smiling proudly, " that's great news Hizashi!"

Picking up a paperweight that was holding down some wrapping paper tossing it between his hands, "so shortie hows it feel to fly the nest?"

"Like a breath of fresh air not being constantly under their strict rules all the time," running a hand through her messy locks

"yeah I know right," his eyes follow the paperweight as it moves between his hands.

Looking over his recent sleeve tattoo, "you planning on getting another one soon."

His smile widens as his green eyes sparkled, "where do you think i'm off to next?"

Scrunching her brow while pointing across the street, "you don't mean..."

Patting her head, "got an appointment at five with the same guy who's done all my work."

Pursing her lips curious, "Which guy?"

Raising a brow as a cheeky grin grew, "why are you thinking of getting something done now?"

Rolling her eyes and slapping across the shoulder, "no! Plus, i wouldn't even know what to get but I'm curious who inks your skin."

Groaning at her response, "you're still stuck under their thumb. it's not like you have to tell them just get one somewhere that's out sight."

Rolling her eyes at the comment, "whatever just answer the question. Who's your artist?"

Adjusting his glasses for a moment, "I've been getting my tattoos done by the angry ash blonde Katsuki Bakugou."

Kaylea's eyes widen in surprise, "are you serious."

Nodding his head while looking through the window towards the studio, "yeah. He gave me my first tatt when I left home and his attention to detail kept me coming back."

Staying quiet for a moment, "Bakugou is an amazing artist."

"He truly is. You should see him if you want something done," drumming his finger along the counter.

"I'll keep that in mind," mumbling out quietly while her mind wandered to the ash blonde across the street.

Slinging his arm around the short blue eyed female, "so how's your love life going?"

Snorting at the sudden question, "what love life?"

Pulling her closer, "you saying that one of those guys across the street hasn't caught your attention?"

Blanching at the suggestion while pushing him off, "n-not a chance Hiza."

Allowing himself to be pushed away while examining her blush with a smirk, "so which one of them is it?"

"None of them!" Spinning round to avoid the blonde seeing her flushed cheeks.

Snickering at her attempt to hide, "so if it's not one of the guys is it the pinkette that caught your attention."

Turning around gobsmacked, "Mina's my friend! And I'm not into chicks."

Cackling at her embarrassment, "chillax Kaylea. I've known you for years, you don't bat for the same team."

Pouting at his teasing, "don't you have an appointment to go to.?

Checking his watch letting a quiet curse out, "I gotta jet."

"Have fun," pulling the green-eyed blonde into a quick hug.

Returning the hug, "always! And see you later kiddo."

"Seeya," giving him a small wave as he left the store and headed across the street. Letting out a quick sigh before turning to start closing up.


Bakugou's crimson orbs rose from the piece he'd been working on most of the day as the sound of the door chime rung put through the studio. One of his loyal clients walked through the front door, the one who's piece he'd working on that had to be perfect.

The blonde drop himself on one of the lounges, "so Bakugou show me what you got."

Grumbling out a curse as he lifted himself from his chair bringing along a few pieces of paper. Dropping them in front of Hizashi, "this is what I got so far."

Picking up them and examining them before looking up the temperamental ash-blonde now sitting across from him, "what's got you off your game?"

Glaring at the green eyed man sitting in front of him, "what?"

Leaning forward slightly holding the drawing, "I know this isn't your best work. I have some of your best work on me."

Roughly grabbing the paper from him, "fuck! I know it's shit but it's all I got at the moment!"

Leaning back and crossing his legs, "well now that we agree on that tell me if you have any pieces planned for yourself."

Rubbing a hand through his spiky hair, "just sorted something out earlier today."

"Really who designed it?" quirking a blonde eyebrow.

Quirking an eyebrow back at him, "a friend."

Smirking at his reply, "what type of friend?"

Bakugou's eyes flickered across the street to where Kaylea was stepping out of the store before looking back towards the tall blonde, "does it matter."

Catching his red eyes move towards the flower store and back he could only grin in realization, "has this person been occupying your mind?"

Growling at the comment, "what? no!."

Stroking his facial hair while observing the younger man carefully, "oh really. Then what do you think about the new florist across the street."

Bakugou threw Hizashi a questioning glare before shrugging his shoulders brushing off the question, "why do you care?"

Tilting his head to the side grinning and placing a hand over his heart, "well what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't ask what her neighbours thought of her."

The tattoo artist's eyes widen in surprise, "big brother?"

A/n: Hey readers, so this chapter was originally posted back in June 2019 on my 26th birthday. How time flies... 

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