Chapter 11

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The sounds of flower stems being cut back was the only thing that could be heard throughout the quiet shop. The morning had been busy with people coming and going who'd been buying bunches of flowers for various reasons. The florist had noticed the store was running low on options for walk in customer after the morning rush and had begun to efficiently put bunches together.

Humming along as her hands effortlessly pulled different flowers into the bouquet before wrapping it in a soft purple paper. Looking over her handy work with a soft smile admiring the contrasting colours. Moving around the counter the short female placed the bunch of flowers in a bucket of water before adjusting the price tag. Making her back over to the counter she spotted someone in the corner of her vision standing in front of her window signage.

Trying to be discreet the burgundy haired female took a few steps to the side to see who was observing her window. Realizing it was female with brown shoulder length hair that appeared to be lost but her dark brown eyes showed determination. Kaylea stiffened for a moment as the brunette shifted her eyes catching the florist observing her. Offering the petite female a small smile and wave praying she didn't come off as a creep.

Her blue eyes watched the brunette step away from the window before moving towards the front door. Letting out a quiet thankful sigh that she didn't scare her away as she stepped into the building.

The brown eyed female stepped into the flower shop she'd spent most of the morning trying to find. Smiling at who she believed to be the shop owner she clasped her hands together, "hi are you Kaylea?"

Slightly taken back the florist kept her smile in place while nodding, "yes that's me. How can I help you today?"

"My name's Ochako Uraraka and a few days ago my fiancé well at the time boyfriend bought a bouquet of the most gorgeous flowers from here!" quickly rattling off not knowing what else to say.

Tapping her chin in thought, "let me guess does your fiancé have green unruly hair?"

She nodded her head as her face brightened, "yes! That's my Izuku!"

Letting out a soft chuckle at how adorable she was, "also congratulations on the engagement. You're a lucky lady to have a man like him going out of his way to order such flowers."

"Thank you," She squeezed out not knowing what to say.

Offering her a warming smile as she rested her arms on the counter, "so what can I help you with today then?"

The brunette took another determined step forward so she was standing directly in front of Kaylea, "I want you to do my wedding flowers."

Her blue eyes widen at the statement, "I'm sorry... what?"

"You put together the bouquet Izuku gave me right?" questioning the short female in front of her.

Nodding her head slowly, "Yeah it had lilies and roses. I spent ages making sure it was perfect."

Clenching her fists against the counter feeling her eyes water at the memory of her green-ette turning up with the bunch and a ring, "it was perfect. I loved them and that's why I want you to do my wedding flowers."

Not knowing what else to say, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity."

Squealing in delight as she clapped her hands together, "Thank you! The weddings in seven months!"

Nodding her head as she wrapped her mind around the time frame, seven months. "okay so do you want to make an appointment in a month or so and we can work out some stuff. It'll give you plenty of time to get some ideas together," trying to stay calm and organize herself.

"Yes let's do that," bobbing her head up and down as she pulled out her phone to check her calendar. "in two months on the third. How's that for you?"

Opening her work diary that sat under the counter, "that's not a problem if you come in the afternoon like today." Watching the bubbly female tap away on her phone with a bright smile before shoving the device away.

"Okay all set! I'll come in with ideas and pictures and the colours of the wedding," her face dusting with pink as she thought about the upcoming wedding.

"Come with everything and we can go from there," giving her an excited smile.

Taking a step towards the door she beamed at the florist, "Thank you for saying yes! I cant wait to tell everyone!"

Chuckling at her enthusiasm, "no thank you Uraraka and have a lovely day." Watching the brunette skip away with excitement she couldn't help but say her shoulders as a small giggle escaped her lips.

Running a hand through her burgundy locks pulling out the elastic so they were hanging free down her back. Pulling out her phone she needed to tell Hizashi. Checking the time on the device she realized he would be working and couldn't answer, chewing her bottom lip deciding to send a text stating she had big news and to call her when he finished.

Drumming her fingers across the desk wanting to share the news with someone. Her eyes moved to the studio across the road quickly noticing no customers. Grabbing her keys and phone as she locked the store up before making her way across the street to tell her pink haired friend the news.

Stepping into the store smiling brightly and offering a wave to the four workers who were at their desks working on designs. Her blue orbs landed on the ash blondes crimson ones, "do you mind if I speak with Mina for a moment?"

Bakugou's eyes narrowed, "this have anything to do with pink cheeks?"

"who?" her brow scrunched in confusion.

Kirishima chuckled, "he means Uraraka."

"oh! Well yes it does," answering the blonde.

Mina excitedly sprang up to Kaylea's side, "what did my girl come see you about?"

Jumping at her sudden appearance, "she needs a florist to do the flowers for her wedding."

Mine's golden eyes widen, "and she asked you?"

Nodding her head squealing, "yes!"

Mina let out a squeal as she captured (f/n)s hands and started bouncing on the spot, "your first wedding! And its Uraraka's!"

The as-blonde's eye twitched at the high pitched sound, slamming his hand on the table catching the duo's attention. "both of you shut up already!" sharply glaring at the two females.

"that's great news Kaylea," the redhead stood up and patted her shoulder with a toothy smile. Turning back to the ash blonde with a cheeky smile, "looks like we'll all be going to their wedding then."

Huffing and turning back to his work choosing not to hear what the redhead was insinuating, "whatever I have work to do."

Blowing a raspberry at the ash blonde, "don't worry about him Kaylea." Turning back to the blue eyed female, "we should celebrate!"

Her cornflower blue eyes lingering on Bakugou's back for a moment before hesitantly nodding, "alright. I guess we can."

Kirishima stepped away from the bubbly females leaning on his friend's desk, "so Bakubro are you going to make a move anytime soon?"

Staying quiet as he kept his eyes trained on the piece in front of him ignoring the nickname. Letting out a low growl, "when I'm fucking ready."

A soft chuckle escaped his lips before patting him on the back, "well don't wait to long or else someone might snatch her up before you."

The temperamental ash-blonde turned slightly as he watched the florist stroll out of the shop and head back to her own. He knew Kirishima was right. He had to make a move soon.

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