Chapter 4

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Crimson orbs followed the petite woman as she moved about her shop organizing shelves. His eyes ran over her delicate curves as she was wearing a tight singlet and skinny jeans. Her messy burgundy hair reached down the middle of her back giving her an alluring vibe. There was no denying she was vertically challenged and it made it all amusing for the ash-blonde to watch her struggle to reach things on higher shelves. if he were a gentleman he would probably go over and ask if she needed help but he didn't want to waste his time. His eyes left her figure for the moment to look around her store, just from the positioning of the shelves he worked out she was opening a flower shop.

Closing his eyes for a moment before looking back down at the piece he was currently working on. An old customer from when the studio first opened was wanting a full sleeve and had given him a few ideas before leaving him with complete control of the tattoo. Bakugou had never had a problem with this type of freedom before but for some reason today his work was less than perfect and it was pissing him off.

Letting out a small growl and cursing himself, the noise had the others curiously looking over at the ash-blonde. Kirishima was working on a client so he wasn't able to do much in this situation trusting that one of the others would step in to sort out the aggressive male out.

Mina quietly chuckled at her boss noticing how distracted he'd been lately, she had chalked it up to one thing that had changed... their new neighbour. The pink hair chick skipped over the Bakugou and leaned on his desk with a knowing smile.

"What's got your knickers in a knot?" already knowing the answer to the question.

His crimson orbs landed on the only female employee, "fuck off pinky."

Smirking at his reaction knowing him long enough that his words just rolled off her, "don't be like that. I just want to know why you're getting distracted."

His eyes narrowed on the energetic female in front of him, "I don't get distracted." growling the last bit before his eyes flicked towards the shop across the road.

Not missing a beat she pointed towards the window, "so you're not distracted by the cutie that's setting up shop across the street."

Grinding his teeth knowing Mina could be extremely observant when she wanted to be and this was one of them. The female gave him a knowing look which sent his blood boiling, "I'm not fucking distracted by some dumb bitch!" His tone was furious and final.

Mina tilted her head giving Bakugou a small smile before standing up, "if you say so." humming as she walked back to her bench to finish the sketch she had started.

Kirishima knew to keep his mouth shut and head down as he worked but he couldn't hold back the smile that graced his face. His eyes flickered up to the ash-blonde watching as he huffed before standing up and throwing his jacket on before storming out the front door. The redhead looked over towards Mina and Kaminari chuckling, "I think you poked a sleeping bear."

The pinkette giggled from her bench placing a hand over her heart, "I only asked him what's wrong."

Kaminari snorted at her response before stretching and putting his hands behind his head, "he's going to work it out sooner or later. right?"

The pinkette shrugged, "who knows."

Pursing his lips in thought, wondering how long it would take the blonde to step up to the plate.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was stomping down the street needing some fresh air to clear his already muddled mind. He despised the way his mind was betraying him at the moment, he wanted his thoughts to be clear and precise, and then Mina had pointed out his distraction clear as day. Glaring at the sidewalk, he slowed down while running a hand angrily through his hair trying to clear his mind.

After spending a good hour and a half wandering around the streets his temper had calmed down enough that he could tolerate being in the same room as the other three. They were lucky they had been friends since they started high school and knew it was better just to leave him be as he vented.

Walking up the street not really paying attention he bumped into someone, turning to tell them off he stopped himself as his eyes landed on Kaylea.

"I'm sorry Bakugou," apologizing for bumping into the ash-blonde when she had actually done it on purpose to speak with him.

"Just watch where your going shortie," he grumbled as he turned to leave.

Quickly stepping forward and capturing his jacket sleeve, "sorry but I just have to ask if you're okay."

Looking down back with sharp eyes annoyed she had stopped him from leaving, "I'm fine I just went for a walk."

Her eyes ran over his features, "oh I just thought something had happened. I heard you scream before angrily leaving the studio."

Releasing a sigh through his nose his voice coming out harsher than he expected, "I'm fine just mind your own business."

Letting go of his jacket and apologizing before turning away to head into the coffee shop not bothering to look back at the ash-blonde as he stormed away. She didn't really understand why she'd stopped him, it was just the look on his face when he'd left the studio that had her wanting to know if he was alright. Ordering her coffee she decided he probably just wanted to let it be and not be bothered about it. Shaking her head she had other things to worry about, her store would be opening at the end of the week and there was still so much that needed to be done.

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