Back to You

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"I know I'd go back to you." I sang finishing my song.
I opened my eyes and Kai was staring at me with pure wonder in his face.

I chuckled and pushed him playfully.
"What?" I asked.

"That was literally amazing." He said.

"Thank you." I said blushing a bit, "I do good with Selena's song usually and back to you is one of my favourites to sing." I said.

"Well I've heard it three times in total from you and it's gotten better and better every time." He said.

"Well hopefully I'm improving, I'm going to apply to UCLA for college. Trying to major in musical arts is not easy." I said.

"Well it's UCLA it's not gonna be easy but you have me." He said and gave me a small hug.

"By the way I signed up to sing at the Moonshine bar speakeasy on Sunday."

"That's good for you." I said packing my guitar.

"I sighed up for both of us." He said.

I turned around with a jolt "What? Kai! I can't sing in public!" I said flustered.

"Come on, you need the experience right? And I could use the money too. They're paying $500 for each of us." He said.

"Well I don't know."
He grabbed on of my hands and held it in his.
"Come on Chloe, we can do it. It'll be fun." He said.

I considered it for another moment but decided to give in.

"Okay fine." I said with a smile.

"Yes!" Kai hugged me tightly and spinner us, lifting my feet of the ground.

We laughed and headed outside.

"Today's session was fun, Chloe. I'll see you here at 5 on Sunday so we can practice a bit before performing." Kai said.

"Yep sure. Bye." I waved at him as he got in his mother's car which was parked beside the entrance to the building.

I got on my skateboard and skated home. Kai and I have been practicing our music together for the last few years and we have become close friends. I've just pushed away the butterflies I feel in my stomach at every touch and the shiver of my at his eye contact cannot mean anything. He is my best friends boyfriend for God Sake but I can't afford to loose my boyfriend over a boy I met only a month ago.

It was already nighttime, around 9 pm and I was late for dinner. Shit mom won't be happy seeing me come home late without telling her.

I got on my street light lit street and rode to the end where met house was. I opened the door and went inside.

"Hey mom." I said walking into the kitchen.
"Hello baby!" Mom said. She seemed in a good mood tonight.
"That skirt looks nice on you." She said while sipping on her wine.

Today I had worn a cute skirt and sweater vest to vocal lessons because I felt like dressing up for once

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Today I had worn a cute skirt and sweater vest to vocal lessons because I felt like dressing up for once.

"Thank you." I said and sat down.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" I asked.
"Well your dad brought me some nice wine and also he got us a new air fryer!" She said.
"Wha-" I started until I saw dad come out of the downstairs bathroom.
"Why is he here?" I asked mom.
"Hello Chloe!" Dad said enthusiastically.
"Shut up dad."
"Chloe that's no how you talk to your father!" Mom said.
"Really mom? Really? I can't believe you."
"Chloe you need to understand."
"I understand enough... Last week I saw dad with another woman."
Mom was about to say something but looked away, taking a deep breath.
"Why does he still come here?" I said, not caring that dad was listening to everything on the couch.
"Why? The woman wasn't in our house."
"No but he is."
"Well that's okay." She said with a light laugh.
"What's okay? Does it not bother you?"
"Look I made some Indian food for you. Here" she said, ignoring me.
"Mom what do you do when you go out?"
"Don't worry about me."
"Why is it that he's allowed to be an asshole but you're not."
"Chloe, that's enough." She said.
"Are you seeing someone mom?"
"Huh? Of course not."
"Then why is he?"
"Do you want a divorce mom?"
"No, darling... You're dad and I are separate but we live together. We made the decision together. We did it for you." She said.
"Don't you want to fall in love again?" I asked, persistently.
"Chloe, please grow up.... Love doesn't exist."
Tears formed in her eyes but she smiled.
Lying to herself as always
"Okay. Believe what you want to believe" I said.

I went back outside and sat down on the front stairs. I took a deep breath and as soon as I exhaled the tears started flowing. Why is my life like this? Why can't I have a happy family? I cried for a while until I physically could not form anymore tears.
I went back inside and ran upstairs. I heard my parents discussing something in the living room but ignored it.
I jumped into my bed and went to sleep instantly, tired of my parents, my problems, my life, everything.

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