Somebody That I Used To Know

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Chloe's POV

Mom, Dad and I got back home from the police station. Everyone was quiet.
We ate dinner quietly at the table, tomorrow morning we had to go to court for this whole problem and I was just so tired.

"Chloe, we need to talk." Dad finally said and mom nodded.
"I'm not in the mood right now."
"Chloe we have to go to court tomorrow, you have to be prepared."

"I don't care. I'm not in the mood right now. I'm going upstairs to my room." I said and went upstairs.
I slammed my door shut and fell onto my bed. I was exhausted. I stared at the ceiling for a while and than decided to take a shower.
The hot water helped calm my nerves and I was felling much better after.

I was about to change into PJ's when I got a text from Elijah telling me to meet him at his Dad's garage.

I changed into a grey crew neck and black graphic sweatpants and a hat.

I knew my parents would get even more angry if I went out at 10pm so I decided to sneak out the window

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I knew my parents would get even more angry if I went out at 10pm so I decided to sneak out the window.

I opened the blinds on my window and realized for the first time that I could see straight into Noah's bedroom from my window. We were separated by about 10 feet only. I looked into his room and he was sitting in bed, shirtless, scrolling through his phone.

I slid down my roof and jumped onto the soft grass. I grabbed my bike from the driveway and rode to Mr. San Pedro's garage. I was there in 15 minutes. The garage door was open so I went inside. I saw Elijah sitting on a tire, smoking weed.

"Elijah." I said.
"Chloe." He ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry." He said, his voice cracked.
I was scared. I had never seen Elijah this vulnerable and it was scary.

"No, I'm sorry. I let myself slip in front of Noah."

"Noah? Noah McLaren? I swear to god, that motherfucker-"

"Shh. There's no point." I said and he calmed down.

"I'm sorry, Chloe. I hurt you." He said. He looked so ashamed.

"I forgive you because I know you love me... or did love me." I said.

"What are you talking about, Chloe? I still love you." He said and I moved my hand away.

"Elijah you've changed. You're not the same nice boy I fell in love with. I look into your eyes now and I feel fear." I said and a tear rolled down my eye.
"Chloe. Chloe, I need you." He said, begging me.

"No, Elijah. You don't need me. And you are so so amazing and different but... it's not something I admire so much anymore."

"I'm.... I get it." He said and hit his hand against a rod making it bleed.
I stepped back, scared.
"My dad called a lawyer for this but I'm gonna tell him there's no need and I'm gonna tell him to not place any charges. You can go to Chicago safely then."

"Chloe, we are not done."

"Yes we are... yes we are Elijah. You're merely somebody that I used to to know. Goodbye, Eli." I said and gave him one final hug before getting on my bike and leaving.

I got back home and tried climbing back up the same route up the roof to my room I used to take before but right now my body was so tired, I didn't have the power to pull myself up. I stood under my window and thought about what I was going to do to get up there.

"Chloe." I heard someone say behind me. I jerked away and turned around. It was Noah.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I was watching you as you snuck out, honestly a good route but I prefer sliding down the pipe." He said, humorously.

"Fuck off." I said. I was enraged by him right now.
"Chloe, we have-"

"Shut up! Okay? I fucking hate you! I hate you so so much for doing what you did at school. Don't ever fucking talk to me again." I said, I was so angry right now I didn't care to whisper or anything. Noah looked hurt but I couldn't give 2 fucks.

"I know it was your boyfriend. I saw him choke you at your birthday party." He said.

"So what?! It was none of your business taking away the one person who actually loved me! Elijah and I were supposed to be together forever but you messed it up! Fuck you!" I said and pushed his chest as hard as I could but he just shifted a bit, barely feeling my touch. Tears were rolling down my cheeks at this point.

"Chloe, he was abusing you." He said.

"Yes, I knew that! But he was also the one who kissed me like his life depended on it, he made me laugh and smile. I hate you, Noah! I hate you for taking that away from me!" I yelled in his face and I left him there.

I went inside though the front door, not giving two fucks if my parents found out I was out at this time.
Tears were rolling down my cheeks and my head was a mess.
"Chloe! Where were you?" Dad said from the living room. He saw me crying and instantly pulled me in for a hug. I felt weird at first but just gave in.

"Chlo bear, what happened?" He asked more softly.
"I broke up with Elijah." I said between my tears.

"I'm so sorry." He said and hugged me tighter.
"Can you do me a favour?" I asked him.
"Can you please remove all the charges so this whole mess can end."
"Chloe, that's-"
"If you actually love me than please do it. Please." I said.
He stayed quiet for a while but then finally said, "Okay, I'll call my lawyer first thing in the morning." Dad said.

"Thank you so much." I said and smiled at him.

"I know it was your boyfriend, I'm not that stupid and if you want to forgive him, I'm okay with that, but if he ever so much as lay a hand on you, I will be pressing major charges."
I nodded, "Won't happen." I said.

"Okay, now go to sleep."
"Good night dad." I said and went upstairs to my room.

I was happy my dad had done something good for me, for once.
I was still so heartbroken about loosing Elijah but I felt weirdly okay, as if I had conquered a fear of mine.

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