Wild Thoughts

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"Hello Chloe Rae." Noah whispered in my ear as he snuck up behind me and took his seat in class.
"Hello Noah McLaren." I said.
He grabbed my hand under the table and I nervously looked around if anyone could see us holding hands especially Alexandrine but everyone seemed busy in their own train of thought.
Miss Jenkins walked in and started the lesson soon after. After an hour and 30 minutes of class the bell finally rang and everyone got up.

"Bye." I said to Noah and headed out the door of the class where my friends were waiting for me.
"Hey guys. Ready for the weekend?" I said to Tessa and Naya.
"Uhuh." Naya  said and we started walking towards the main entrance.
Someone grabbed a hold of my arm and I was pulled into the storage closet.
Noah closed the door behind me and smiled.
"Noah what the heck." I whispered.
"Where did Chloe go all of a sudden?" I heard Tessa say outside the door.
Noah put a hand in my mouth to quiet me.
"I don't know, maybe she got caught up in something." Naya said and they' started walking again.
I giggled a bit and Noah kept staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You're so beautiful." He said and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"And here." He placed a kiss on my nose.
"And here." He kissed me on the lips with passion and lust.

"Mmm Noah...We shouldn't be doing this," I say to him and push him back a bit. He looks up at me and there is impatience in his eyes.

" Why? Was that no good?" He asked.
I stayed quiet and he pulled a hand under the belt of my pants.
"Is this not good?" He asked as he slid two finger in me.

I throw my head back as waves of pleasure radiate through my body. "Ahh, Noah," I whimper quietly as he starts to kiss my neck. I turn my head to the side and he kisses down my collar bone, down the dip of my shirt.
"When I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts." He whispered in my ear as he unbuttoned my shirt.

He kisses the middle of my chest before leaning back to pull my shirt over my head. My pink nipples tighten under his gaze. I blush as he dips his head to take a bud in his mouth. He twirls his skilled tongue around it and I moan his name again. I rub my thighs together in attempt to relive the growing pressure. He moves to the neglected nipple lavishing it with the same attention.

I brace my hands on his shoulders as his hands go done my skirt again. My heart is pounding faster than I ever thought it could and then my mind goes completely blank as he slips two fingers into my wet core, this time thrusting them harshly and making me cry out in pleasure. He thrusts them faster and faster, my face flushes when I hear him chuckle darkly.

"You ready, Cherry?" he asks, his voice is husky and thick with desire. I can't open my eyes, if I look at him I know I won't be able to last any longer; he just may be my undoing... I nod in response and his fingers slip out of me and leave me feeling strangely empty and completely unsatisfied.

I look into is his eyes seductively and unzip his belt buckle and zipper all while staring into those eyes the colour of the Caribbean water. I pull him closer and he presses his throbbing shaft against my bare stomach. I can't help the moan that escaped my lips when I feel how warm and long it is. I feel a moment of doubt or rather guilt but it is all gone when he pushes into me with one solid thrust making me cry out in pleasure as my body sores with satisfaction. I cry out again and again in pure ecstasy as he thrusts deeper and deeper till I cum, screaming and digging my nails into his large arms.

He grunts as he finishes and winces as he lets himself slip from my wet core. He's breathing as heavily as I am and smiles at me when I look at him, my head still spinning. "How was it, Chlo?" he fixes his clothes then helps me to redress in mine, I hope my hair and makeup don't give me away...

"That was, wow." I'm honestly at a loss for words. He smiles and brushes my hair from my face. His hand lingers on my cheek as he leans in to kiss me softly; our lips are probably already bruised from the harsh kisses before.

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