I Just Wanna Feel Something

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It's been a week since school has started. Today is Friday and I'm so stoked for the weekend. I just thought about how I was finally going to sleep well tonight. How I was going to wake up at 1pm tomorrow and go relax in the pool at Naya's place while sipping on a drink.

"Ms. Hudson... Ms. Hudson! Please would you mind walking out of your daydream and joining us today while we discuss Volcanoes?"
Mrs. Morris said snapping at me from the front of the class. I blushed realizing the whole class was staring at me.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I said and sat up in my seat.

"Okay as I was discussing before..."
Today was gonna be a long day.

Soon it was almost the end of the period. Everyone got ready to pack up.
"Okay guys your homework for tonight is..." the whole class groaned.

"...To research how our position on the tectonic plate can affect California and make a poster about it. You will be presenting on Monday so pick a partner wisely." She continued.
Wisely my ass.

I looked over at Alex who was sitting a few seats behind me and nodded at her to confirm we were pairing up as usual.

Class ended and Alex and I went to our lockers. We got out our skateboards and headed to her house.
Naya had gone to the airport to pick up Noah at mid day and Tessa had church club.

We rode our skateboards home, showing each other tricks and just having fun in general. We arrived at Alex's house and went inside. Alex lived in a pretty small house. Her house had only 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen and living room. It was 2 floors and needed some touch ups. Alex's dad was a single dad that took care of her after her mom passed away when she was 10 in a car crash. Her Dad was a truck driver so he was barely at home. He came on Wednesdays and left on the next day so Alexandria is mostly living alone.

We went inside and sat down on the couch. Alex made some Ramen and we ate it while watching some YouTube together. Then we started on the project.

I researched the topics while Alex cut out our images and glued them onto the poster. Alex is really good at arts and crafts too. She is just a natural talent but refuses to take art club or more classes because "that's just not her vibe."

We worked on our Geography project for an hour straight while listening to some Megan Thee Stallion and Nicki Minaj.

"Oh god my hands are tired of cutting these stupid things out." Alex said after an hour of struggling.

"Let's take a break." I said turning my laptop off and stretching my legs.

We went upstairs to her room for a while.
"Hey could you take some pics for me. It's for this boy." She said.

She passed me the camera and ran into her bathroom. She came out wearing a really sexy minimum coverage pink lingerie set.

"Woah." I said, I had never seen Alex wearing something like this.
"I got it from Goodwill." She said, blushing a bit.
She lay in bed and I took her pictures on her phone. They all turned out super amazing.

"Oooh I didn't know Chloe could take this good photos, you should become a photographer." She said jokingly while picking through them.
"Who are they for?" I asked.
"David Flynn."
"You mean THE DAVID FLYNN?" I asked surprised and she nodded.
David is the hottest football player at Westside but also biggest fuckboy.

"Damn you really have the hottest dudes on the  football team simping for you." I said impressed.

"Yeah.. enough about mr how are you and what's his name again? Oh yeah, Elijah! Honestly I'm surprised you have a boyfriend, Chloe. Never expected Chloe Rae to get a boyfriend with her high ass standards." She said joking. I just rolled my eyes.

But it was true. I don't know why I have such high standards. Like the only boy I ever liked was Issac in 7th grade who was a foreign exchange student but my crush on him left with him 2 weeks later. Elijah is super hot so he fit the standard and he's sweet but I soon came to realize not so much in bed though.

"Hey can you take an ass shot?" Alex asked.
I nodded and did so.

"Okay thank you, love you." Alex got to picking out the pictures she was gonna send to him.

"How long have you been talking to David?" I asked.

"Umm 4 days." She said while looking at her phone intently.

"4 days and he's already asking for nudes and shit?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, surprise!... I know deep down I don't want this but it's the same with every guy, Chloe." She said and but in her lower lip to stop herself from crying.

"Hey." I said shifting closer to her.

"It's just that I'm tired of guys just wanting me for my body. I'm tired. I just wanna feel something. Something like actual true love. Now I keep telling myself that one of them is meant for my forever but I keep going back to thinking that am I not cool enough to actually want to date? Guys see my body and decide to show me attention and then if I start actually opening up and showing my personality, they run away." She said between her sobs and started hiccuping.

"Alex, you are are amazing! I've know you since 5th grade and trust me you are more than worth it. You have to be confident. Devaluing yourself won't get you anywhere! Confident girls know that their worth is not determined by being "chosen" and they don't internalize it when they aren't. You need to strive to be that." I said, reassuring her. I'm not the type to give advice, fuck I've been in one relationship in my whole life but when I need to be there for a friend, I like to believe I'm pretty good at it.

She just nodded and wiped her tears away.
We hugged for a while and took deep breaths together.

I turned the music back on, "Okay now let's forget about boys and do something fun." I said and Alex's eyes instantly lit up.

"Ooohh I wanna do crazy makeup on you and film tiktoks. I haven't done the Euphoria makeup trend yet." She said instantly getting up and grabbing her make up bag.
Alex is really good at doing crazy clown, Halloween type and glittery crazy makeup. She specializes in those types of tiktoks and has a pretty big following on tiktok with 105k followers.

I watched her face as she did my makeup. Her lips puckering up as she drew intricate lines and her eyes squinting. She looked like one of those girls people wrote songs about, but that's all she ever was, a song. Most guys played her once and then changed the playlist.

For the rest of the night we did make up and made tiktoks. I went home at 10 with our poster board to keep it safe. I dozed off as soon as I lay in bed, ready to slumber.

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