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I dropped my bike on the ground and climbed over the fence.

I sat down on the hard, rocky surface at the top of the cliff. I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the menacing waves crash against the cliffs.

I felt calm in this moment. Despite how my life had fallen apart, I felt calm and sober.

As we grow older we start to understand the villains. We start to see all the pain that comes with existing in this world. It seems like the only way you can feel happiness consume you is when you are drowning in alcohol or wrapped in a web of affection. We start to see where the real monsters are as we grow up. Unlike when we were younger and the only monsters were the ones under our beds, not the ones stuck in our heads. As we grow up we learn that monsters exist everywhere, especially within us.

I stood up and stared over the edge of the cliff. I heard lightning strike above me and thunder rumble seconds before the sky broke out in tears. It rained. I smiled and chuckled at the random and unexpectedness of it.

Oh how much I loved the rain.
Rain was not anything sad. It's just odd. It's chaotic but yet so peaceful. Pleasant but irritating at times. It's so beautifully disorganized lined in a beautiful symphony of droplets.

I turned around to face the fence. It was weird seeing it from this angle since I was so used to facing my back to my little town. In front of me was the small town I had spent my whole life in. The town I so desperately wanted to leave forever. Just didn't know this would be the way it would happen.

It was hard for me to realize it at first. This decision wasn't a spontaneous one to make, just a hard one. To finally accept that my body was no longer able to fight my soul. I smiled and let out a sigh as I faced the sky, letting the rain mix with my tears. I was finally going to be with her again.

I let myself go. I fell back and let my body fall for 5 seconds as the wind rushed past my ears. I listened until I dropped into the ice cold ocean and the sounds of the Earth were replaced by a quiet hum. I drowned below the surface of the water and soon my breathing stopped as well.

And finally nothing hurt anymore, I felt kind of free.

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