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My phone continued buzzing on my nightstand. I tried to muffle the sounds by covering my ears with pillows but it was no use.
I moaned and sat up. I grabbed my phone and answered the call.

"Chloe, finally you're awake!" I heard Kai's voice say on the other side.

"Yeah I'm awake. What's the matter?" I asked.
"Chloe, what's the time?" He asked.

I squinted my eyes at the little strawberry clock on my dresser and read the time.

"It's 12:55... IT'S 12:55! SHIT." I hopped out of bed quickly.

"Great, Chloe is back to Earth. Meet me at our studio in an hour. We are rehearsing for tonight." He said, "and I also wanted to take you to lunch." He muffled.

"Lunch huh? Sure. I'll be there in an hour. Bye." I tossed the phone and headed to my bathroom. I showered and quickly changed into a random outfit I picked from my closet. I wore a white cropped blouse with a black mini skirt and a brown cardigan and my black doc Martins.

I got a duffel bag and put my dress, heels, and jewelry for the show tonight in it

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I got a duffel bag and put my dress, heels, and jewelry for the show tonight in it. I grabbed my brown baguette bag and headed downstairs.

"Hello honey! I made you pancakes for your big day." Mom said from the kitchen.

"Awe thanks mom." I gave her a hug and sat down to eat my pancakes.

"Hey, I can tell you're nervous. It's gonna be alright." She said and kissed my hand.

"It's my first time performing in front of a real audience. The biggest performance I've ever done is all the elementary and middle school talent shows." I said with a laugh.

"I know you can do it. You're a natural at this."
"Are you coming mom?"

"Sorry, dear. I know I said I would but... the salons really busy and it's a Sunday. I have a lot of loyal customers who I can't let down. I told Alexandria to record it all and send it to me." She said.

"It's okay, mom. I understand."

"What did I do to deserve such an amazing daughter like you. I'm so proud of you." She said.

"Thanks mom."

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"Chloe! You're here." Kai said getting up. He gave me a side hug and we sat down.
"You look nice today." I said, eyeing down his outfit. He was wearing a black nit vest over an oversized white T-shirt with back jeans and converse.

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