008 Soul Eater//Crona Gorgon

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.Yes, Mother Dearest.

Crona Gorgon x Reader

Trigger Warning: Brief mention of self-harm

A/N: I just really love Crona! They're honestly so awesome and anyone who doesn't like them can leave. I always wanted to change how this scene played out in the show, so I decided I would. Also I used male pronouns for Crona in this. I understand that he's nonbinary but this is just how I choose to write them.

Word Count: 3230


You and Crona had just left the lovely party that Kid had hosted for everyone in your grade. After saying your 'goodbyes' to your main group of friends, Crona and you made your way back to the academy. Your dorm was close to the school, but not actually part of it unlike Crona's, which is why you were walking him back.

The two of you were having a quiet conversation before reaching the alleyway that led in separate directions, one to the school and the other to another part of town that contained your dorm.

"Get back safe, Crona," You said as the two of you split paths.

"You too, Y/N," He said, continuing his way home.

You had only gotten a few steps away from him when you realized you had forgotten to ask about your meeting with him next Wednesday. You backtracked to where Crona was only to hear a quiet conversation. At first you thought that Crona was simply talking to Ragnarok -- something he often did -- but this voice was different, more feminine.

"I came for you, Crona. I've been so worried about you." You heard the female voice say.

"You're worried?" Crona asked, "Does that mean you're here to take me back with you?"

"Oh, no, you should stay in the academy," She said, "And continue your work as my spy."

You scowled, but stayed silent, hidden in your spot just behind the three of them.

"Huh? W-What are you talking about? A spy...? Me?" Crona asked, panicked.

"There's no need to be so modest about it. That's the reason you infiltrated the DWMA, isn't it? To become my spy?"

Damn, who the hell is this girl? You frown as you hear Crona groan.

"You did a good job, but now I have a task only you can do. There's a secret vault somewhere within the academy. For now, all I need you to do is find it," She explained. You heard someone shift their stance and you backed up into the alleyway a bit more.

"I'm counting on you, Crona," She added.

"N-No, wait-I...I've made some friends at the academy," Crona cried, "D-Doing this might make them angry at me."

"But you'll do it, won't you? For your dear mother?"


Crona whimpered again, and your heart ached at his next words.

"Yes, ma'am, I understand."

It was quiet for a few moments before you heard footsteps nearby you. You silently backed away and, to insure your safety, retreated back to your dorm.

How is Medusa here? How is she even still alive? Why Crona? Why did you listen to her?

Trying to speak to him right now would be too dangerous, especially if the girl you heard was, in fact, Medusa, so you'd have to wait until tomorrow.


You hadn't gotten much sleep that night. Your mind was racing with all kinds of questions; questions about how she could possibly be here, about what to do now.

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