006 Clone High//Van Gogh

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Van Gogh x Reader

Word Count: 1958


As a photographer, you saw the world in frames, scenes that were waiting to be captured. Sometimes, if you had the chance, after you've taken some photos, you'd return home and use them as references for your sketches. Most of them were of nature scenes or cities, but a decent size of your photos were of people. Most were of students at Clone High while the rest were of people you'd see on the streets, but recently you're Nikon's been filled with one person in particular.

He was an odd choice and even you couldn't explain why he had caught your eye, but your new subject was none other than Van Gogh.

Call yourself strange or weird, but Van Gogh was generally just...handsome in your eyes. He was petite and short in height, yet he stood out in a crowd with his bright, orange hair and those striking celeste blue eyes. Many of your photos of him were taken from a distance and without him knowing, so he's not even facing the camera in them. But the few that you did have where he was looking at the camera, where he was smiling, you cherished and often redrew.

Along with photographing him, however, you began to photograph the things he likes, mainly sunflowers. Before, you never really cared much for sunflowers; they were just another flower to you. However, after meeting Van Gogh and learning his love for sunflowers, you gained a new admiration for them.

Speaking of which, you were photographing a wheat field that had sunflowers scattered about in it -- you had found it after speaking to Van Gogh and finding out that that was one of his favorite places to just hang out -- when inspiration had struck.

You were currently working on a piece for Van Gogh himself. You had heard from a little birdie -- that birdie being Joan -- that his birthday was coming up, so you decided to make him something.

It wasn't much, just a collage of a sunflower field that you made using the pictures of sunflowers you had with Van Gogh in the center (using, of course, one of the less creepy, stalkerish pictures of him). You had originally wanted to paint it but your painting skills were...less than desirable, so you stuck with something you knew you could do well.

You had finished it a few days before his birthday and were quite proud of it. You wrapped it and waited for the day to come.


Time flew by and his birthday was today. Joan had informed you that her and Caesar were going to visit him and had invited you to join, which you hastily agreed to. The only problem is that you had to stay after school that day to help out the freshmen in photography (since none of the other juniors would do so).

Joan had asked where you were and you quickly sent her a text explaining that you were stuck with the freshmen and would be there as soon as you could be. Turns out the soonest you could be there was way after they had their gathering, close to 8 pm. You had told Joan to let Van Gogh know that you'd still stop by to see him.

True to your word, after closing up the photography classrooms and making sure all the freshmen had gone back to their dorms, you went back to the student dorms and made your way to the 4th floor, where Joan and told you his room was.

Collage in hand, you knocked on his door hoping that you weren't waking him. You didn't know how early, or late, he went to bed. After a moment the door opened and Van Gogh was there, looking up at you.

"Oh, there you are," He began, "I was wondering if you were coming at all."

"Sorry," You said with an apologetic smile, "I got stuck helping the freshmen out in photography. No one else wanted to do it so I was left to."

Various x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now