012 The Way of the House Husband//Masa

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Masa x Reader

A/N: I gotta do everything by myself since no one else wanted to write this.

Word Count: 2159

You didn't like being called a "fighter." The meaning of that word could mean two entirely different things. It could range from being someone who was "admirable" and "resilient," someone who wouldn't be deterred. It could also mean someone who was "combatant" and "difficult," someone who only caused trouble for others.

A good part of your life consisted of you being defined by the latter. You were a good student, smart and respectful. The only thing is that you fought a lot during your years in middle and high school. It wasn't your fault, really; others would antagonize you, hoping to get a rise out of you. And -- to their credit -- they often did get a rise out of you, along with a broken nose. You didn't like fighting, but you also didn't like being ridiculed by your peers, especially considering how poorly they did in school.

In the end, you ended up being the one walking out of your school with a degree while they were expelled and forced to finish school elsewhere, assuming they were even taken in.

You were by no means a professional-level boxer or wrestler, but you put up a damn good fight when needed. That's partly why you were about to leave the small street fight you walked by alone. Just outside of the grocery store where you had just gotten your food for the week, you saw a fight starting to brew.

There was a scrawny blonde guy -- who was actually not that bad looking -- wearing a patterned shirt and blue jeans being yelled at and pushed around by a group of four or so men. Trying to get past them, you walked behind the blonde guy at just the wrong time as one of the men pushed him backwards again, knocking into you and spilling your groceries on the ground.

The blonde guy turned to look at you, but you kept your eyes fixed on the ground and watched the milk from the carton spill onto the street. With balled fists and a clenched jaw you asked,

"Who just shoved him?"

"What's it matter to you?" One of the guys asked. You turned your head to look at the others and that's when the blonde pointed at the guy with jet black hair and black suit.

You shoved past the blonde and walked up to the brunette asshole. He put his hands up to grab you, but you pushed his hands down and away before punching him square in the nose. He backed away with a groan with his hands over his, now broken, nose. Your fingers slipped through blackness as you grabbed him by his hair and dragged him over to your spoiled groceries. Pointing, you shouted:

"THAT'S WHAT IT FUCKING MATTERS TO ME!" You threw him to the ground and into the milk. "Making me waste my money and shit. You ought to pay me back for that."

You felt the blonde panically pat your back and cry when you noticed the other three now encroaching on you two. You clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"One of you gonna pay me for my groceries? I have the receipt right here," You said, dangling the receipt in your hand. The shaved head guy glared at you two and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Get 'em."

The blonde yelped as you pushed him out of your way. It's during that movement that you used his body as cover to position a punch at one of the guys stomach. As predicted, one of them tried to hit you in the face. You ducked down and punched him in the stomach before hooking a foot behind his knee and pulling him forward, causing him to fall backwards. You didn't mind the other guy as he seemed more focused with the blonde.

The last guy charged at you and pushed you on your back to the ground with him on top. You blocked a few hits to your face with your arms before wrapping your legs around him and flipping him underneath you. From there, you grabbed him by his collar and headbut him in the face til it was nothing but a bloody mess.

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