004 Clone High//Van Gogh

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.Hello, Teen Crisis Hotline.

Depressed!Van Gogh x Reader

A/N: I use depressed kinds loosely in this one so there aren't any trigger warnings like the last one.

Word Count: 2357


When Joan had come to you asking that you help her out with the Teen Crisis Hotline you couldn't say no. You weren't the closest of friends, but the two of you had an unspoken rule that if shit were to hit the fan, you'd have the others' back. Or in this case, if one needed help with something, the other would do what they could to help.

If you were being honest with yourself, you were thrilled when she asked you to help her out. You had always wanted to do something to help those who are struggling mentally since you knew how serious and overlooked mental health was.

Joan had specifically asked that you help out with the hotline the day of JFK's party, which you quickly agreed to. It wasn't like you were going to that party.

But you figured she probably was going, despite her saying she wasn't, to try and get Abe to notice her. Seriously, she could do sooo much better.

It was a little past 7pm when you had gotten the first call. It was a female talking about how difficult her school work was becoming and how stressed she was becoming because of it. You talked to her for about 45 minutes, comforting her and giving her tips on how to stay organized and study.

After that it was quiet for the next couple hours and you were doing school work during that time. Gandhi had forwarded a call to you around 10pm without a heads up and your phone began ringing. You answered it with a cheerful,

"Hello, Teen Crisis Hotline. How may I help you?"

"Hello?" The person answered. Their voice was deep and slightly raspy, yet it didn't sound especially masculine.

" Hello," You greeted again, "Are you alright?" The person sighs before answering,

"For the most part, yeah." Okay, definitely a guy.

"I-Um," The guy continued, "Am I on...speaker phone?" What was this guy talking about?

"No, you're not on speaker phone." You responded. You heard the guy shift on the phone before saying,

"Good, the last person I talked to had me on speaker," You heard his voice crack, "There were a lot of people who laughed at me because of it." You were pissed at Gandhi. You knew he was an ass that didn't care about the hotline, but you didn't think that he would do something as shitty as that.

"Gandhi put you on speaker?" You asked, not even think about it.

"Yeah..." He sighed.

"God what an ass," You said before you even realized it, "I mean-I'm sorry that he did that to you. I can assure you that you're not on speaker and I'm the only one here." You corrected yourself. You heard the guy chuckle before saying,

"No you're right, he really is an ass." You giggled to yourself before remembering what you were here to do.

"So, how are you feeling?" You asked. The guy was quiet for a while before answering you.

"I've...been better," He said, "It's just...okay, I already have depression and for a while it wasn't too bad; I was able to kinda keep it in check. Lately, however, it hasn't exactly been that easy."

"Ah, I understand what you mean. Do you have any idea why it's been getting worse?" You asked. He was quiet for a moment and you were worried that you had struck a nerve.

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