014 WordGirl//Dr. Two-Brains

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.For When I Don't Remember My Beloved.

Dr. Two-Brains/Steven Boxleitner x Reader

Content Warning: Smoking

Word Count: 4130


The henchmen Charlie and "Meatloaf" were the first to aid Dr. Two Brains in the cheese-centric havoc he rained over Fair City. Dr. Two Brains was a strange man, to say the least, but he was weird in an endearing way...ehh, kinda. But you must have thought so too since you were soon to join him, being recruited just a few days after them.

It was strange really. One day you didn't exist to them and the next Dr. Two Brains was strolling you into the lair stating that you would be his first in command and that they should report to you. Oh well, there's not much they can do otherwise.

At least you were nice enough. You didn't yell and berate them like the doctor would — quite the opposite. You were kind and reasonable to them, never placing unattainable expectations on them. You were slow to anger, but they may catch you in a foul mood on a particularly awful day. Overall, you were very normal, very sane, and nothing like their boss which confused them so much about your sudden employment. Yet oddly enough you never told them your name, opting to have them address you as "Commander." They're not even sure they've heard Dr. Two Brains call you by your name either.

They figured the doctor valued you more than the actual henchmen since you were also a doctor yourself. You didn't speak much about that fact, but the lab coat and PPE you always wore or at least had on hand clued them into the fact that you were probably an associate of his before his accident. When they asked you about what kind of doctor you were, you were very short in your response, only telling them you specialized in cellular biology and worked at the local hospital at one point.

They watched how you interacted with their boss and were shocked at your boldness towards him. You weren't shy about voicing your concerns with his plans much to the boss's dismay, frustrating him even more and forcing him to revise his plan twice, thrice, however many times until you were satisfied. Yet despite his irritation with your feedback, he always acted on what you said. In addition, you were the only one he let aid him in constructing his machinery. Your involvement would range from handing him tools to constructing parts of a larger machine depending on how complicated the schematic the doctor had drawn up, often time being tweaked by you before he began construction. You'd even talk to the boss about his health, pushing him to stay active even in small ways and to try and incorporate small items into his diet that weren't just cheese. You'd even cook for the man!

To the henchmen, you seemed more like a friend to their boss rather than a worker, and they supposed that's why you were his "First Commander" instead of another henchman.

Yet Meatloaf couldn't help but notice the longing looks you would shoot the doctor, an unreadable expression on your face. He listened to how you spoke firmly but gently to the boss, never once raising your voice no matter how belligerent and unreasonable he would become. Charlie saw the lingering touches you would brush against the doctor's skin, not wanting to pull away yourself yet not having the heart to stand when the boss would inevitably push you away from him. He watched as you would care for him in small ways like organizing his tools or draping a blanket over him when he would pass out on the couch. They both figured you had feelings for their boss as strange as the man was. That would explain why you so willingly allowed yourself to be hired by their insane boss and why you did things that most certainly weren't part of your job description.

Oh, how close yet so far they were from the truth with this idea in their mind.


You practically lived in the lair with Dr. Two Brains, so it was no surprise that you were there before Charlie or Meatloaf. What was surprising was that you were nowhere to be found when the two henchmen came in that morning. You'd usually be busying yourself with some minute task in the main part of the lair, yet today you were not there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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