009 Boku No Hero Academia//Yokumiru Mera

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.Finally, Sleep.

Yokumiru Mera x Reader

Word Count: 1675


To say that you were tired would be the understatement of the year. You were exhausted to your very core and it was honestly a miracle that you were even able to keep walking home after today. Working for the Hero Public Safety Commission was a full time job for you after all.

Nevertheless, you made sure to stop by the convenience store on your way home to pick up a small dinner for you and your partner, Mera. It was simple, just two servings of premade sesame soba noodles with soy sauce; You'd have to heat them up in the microwave when you got back.

It didn't take long for you to arrive at your shared home. Pulling your keys out, you unlocked the door with one hand and stepped inside, removing your shoes before making your way to the kitchen. You set the bag down on the counter before peaking into the study that was adjacent to the kitchen, spotting a mess of cream colored hair hunched over a computer.

You slipped into the office before resting against the back of the chair that Mera was currently occupying, resting your chin on the top of his head. Mera hummed in acknowledgement of you but didn't stop typing for a second. You stayed there for a moment, listening to his fingers clicking against the keyboard and watching him work before you pressed a kiss to the top of his head and walked back into the kitchen.

You pulled the dinners out of the plastic bag and placed the two bowls in the microwave for a few minutes. You carefully pulled them out when the timer went off and stuck a pair of chopsticks into each of the bowls. You placed the two on the kitchen table next to each other before going back into the office.

"Made us dinner," You said tiredly, leaning against the threshold of the office and kitchen. Mera simply hummed again but didn't make a move to get up. After waiting for a moment you sighed and walked over to him, pulling him out of his chair.

"Nooooooooo," Mera whined weakly in protest, arms outstretched towards his computer, but didn't try to struggle against you.

"Come on, time to eat," You said, dragging him to the chair at the table that was closest to the office, "Your work will be there when you're done eating."

You set him down in the chair and he plopped down into it with a sigh. You grabbed a cup of jasmine tea from the counter and placed it on the table next to Mera's meal.

"Thank you, love," Mera said with a sigh as you sat down next to him, your own cup of tea in your hands.

"You're welcome," You said. The two of you folded your hands to pray before starting to eat.

"How was your work today?" You asked between bites.

"Tiresome, as usual," Mera answered, lazily picking at his soba, only occasionally taking a bite of it.

"Do you not like the soba?" You asked, setting your chopsticks down.

"No, I do," He answered, "Just...tired." He added, dragging his hand down his face with a sigh.

You stated at him for a minute before asking,

"Do you want me to feed you?"

Mera looked at you for a moment, eyebrows knit in confused surprise, before he opened his mouth, making an 'Ahhhhh' noise along with it. You laughed lightly before picking up his chopstick and pinching some noodles between them. You placed your free hand's fingers on the bottom of his chin and fed him the soba. He hummed as he chewed the noodles. He looked over at your smiling face before covering his mouth as he chuckled quietly, swallowing the noodles.

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