013 Moominvalley//Snufkin

64 3 1

.Wild Child.

Snufkin x Winged!Reader

A/N: Wow this fic has taken so long to complete. It's been over 2 years in the making and I'm proud to finally be finished with it. I hope you all enjoy!

Word Count: 12884


Living your life outside in the wild had left you somewhat...feral.

You weren't aggressive, quite the opposite in fact, you just didn't quite understand the way that people worked, and it very much showed. You often stayed away from others, worried that they would harm you. Your understanding of speech was limited, so you often just mimicked what others have said before you in hopes that you'll be able to understand it one day.

You vaguely remember being raised by your parents up until the ripe old age of 3. After that, they took you out somewhere in the woods before placing you down and leaving. From then on, it had just been you and the occasional animal or being that decided to help you out.

You weren't completely sure why they had left you, but you assumed that it had to do with your wings. That's right, you had wings; much like a bird's. Decorated with white and pale gold feathers, they were powerful enough to lift you high above the ground and allowed you to travel to all the different lands that your heart desired.

As of right now, you were heading somewhere warm as the area you were currently in was beginning to become cold again, the telltale sign that winter was approaching in that area. You remembered seeing on someone's map that there was an area just south of where you currently were that would be spring this time of year, so you decided to fly there for the time being.

It took you a few days, but you eventually arrived in a small valley-like area that was covered in forest life. Large Birch and Oak trees covered the area as you did your initial fly-by to get affiliated with the place, which made it a bit difficult to get a good visual of the area. In addition to that, the wind here was much stronger than what you were used to and you knew that trying to fly against it would tire you out quicker.

You decided it would be best if you flew lower to the ground. However, because of the size of the trees, your flight was limited significantly. Eventually, you just opted to hop from treetop to treetop, using your wings to help when encountering a particularly large jump.

It was then that you spotted a man below you wearing a green hat and coat, along with a yellow scarf and a large brown backpack. The thing that intrigued you the most about him was that he looked a lot like you. All the other people you had met resembled woodland creatures and animals as opposed to yourself. He even walked the same way you did sometimes!

Curious, you began to follow him as quietly as possible. The sun was beginning to set when he stopped and began to set up, what appeared to you to be, some kind of small home. While trying to get a closer look at what he was doing, you leaned a little too far forward on the branch you were standing on and almost fell. Much to your dismay, the sound of you scrambling to get back up alerted the man. He looked over at the trees to where you were, but his eyes glossed over your form as they passed through the tree line.

"Hello?" He called out. His voice was soft and smooth, but loud enough to be heard from a distance.

You held your breath and remained silent, hoping that he'd just go back to what he was previously doing. He took one last glance before sitting back down in front of the fire he had made. As he was sitting, a strong gust of wind blew by, taking the man's hat with it.

"Hey!" He shouted while reaching out to grab it, missing it by a few inches. The hat blew past your direction and into the dark woods. You watched as he chased after it until he reached the tree line. He sighed before turning back and sitting near the fire. He sat there frying a fish while sulking, most definitely being upset about his hat.

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