011 Arcane//Mylo

272 8 5

.An Eye for an Eye.

Mylo x Healer!Reader

Trigger Warning: Depictions of gore

A/N: Fix-it fic because Mylo deserved better no I will not be taking any criticisms on that.

Word Count: 5443


"They took Vander."

You rose to attention from where you were sitting on the bed with Powder at those words.

"Who took him? Where?" You asked, immediately grabbing your handgun with ammo and machete. The two other boys in the room were also staring at Vi as she stomped over to them and grabbed Vander's metal gauntlets.

"I don't know who, but I know where they are," Vi growled.

"Well we'll come too," Claggor spoke, quickly gearing himself up.

"Yeah he's our father too," Mylo said, placing a hand on her shoulder. You quietly walked up to them and spoke,

"Lead the way, Vi."

"I-I'm coming too!" Powder shouted, arms full of her prototype mousers and other assorted explosives you and her had created.

"No, Powder, you have to stay..."

You listened to Vi talk to Powder while you got the rest of your gear together before turning to the now sulking girl.

"We'll be back, Powder. I promise," You said before trailing after the others, not missing the sullen face of Powder as you lock the door behind yourself.


You were confident that you'd all come back considering the kind of power you have. Afterall, there was really no killing you and with your ability to heal others your group was a force to be reckoned with.

You have a form of "regenerative immortality" -- at least that's what the topsiders had called it -- meaning that it was virtually impossible to kill you through injury or illness (as far as you know anyways). You did still age though and wondered if you would die of old age one day.

You can regenerate from pretty much anything. Superficial cuts and bruises would heal almost instantly, deeper cuts and burns would take up to a minute and anything deeper would usually take a few hours. Regenerating a whole limb would take a day or two. You could speed up the regeneration process significantly, but doing that severely drains your energy so you would only do such a thing as a last resort.

In addition to healing yourself, you can also heal others, but it has its limitations and price. By marking another's wound with your blood, you heal their injury completely and instantly, but that injury is then afflicted onto you. You didn't mind the cost though as you always believed it to be worth it.

But now you're just rambling in your head again. Come on, you're supposed to be saving Vander!


Vi had managed to find an opening in the ceiling of the warehouse where Vander was being held captive. She held the hatch open as you all silently and swiftly snuck in, scanning the area for guards and looking for Vander,

Vi led the way to a small room where Vander was held to a chair via metal straps.

"Kids? How did you all get here?" Vander asked tiredly as Mylo got to work picking the locks on his constraints.

"It was easy," Vi boosted as you and Claggor stood watch by the door. "We snuck in through the roof; There were no...guards." Vi trailed off as she was hit with a realization.

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