010 Overwatch//Junkrat

263 9 1

Jamison "Junkrat" Fawks x Reader

Word Count: 2115


You were sitting in the rec room with D.va, Lucio, and Tracer when you received a call around 1 pm. Looking down at the caller ID, you smiled as you recognized the chaotic picture your boyfriend had taken and the obnoxious name he had given himself in your phone. Pressing your phone to your ear you said,

"Hey, cutie, what's up?"

"Y-Y/N..." Junkrat whispered, grunting afterwards. You sat up straight as worry began to fill you.

"Jamie? You okay?" You asked quietly as not to alert the others beside you.

"Need...meds. Red. They hurt...so bad," Junkrat choked out, "Please help." You heard his phone hit, what you presumed to be, his bedsheets.

"Alright I'm coming," You answered before ending the call and standing up. You tapped D.va.

"Hey, I gotta go. Rat needs some help," You whispered to her. Receiving a thumbs up from her, you made your way out of the rec room and to the dorms.

Quickly punching the code for Junkrat's room into the keypad you watch as it lights up green and the door opens.

"Oh baby..." You sighed as you saw Junkrat's body sprawled out on the bed, his limbs tangled in his bedsheets and his phone dangerously close to the edge of the bed. Walking closer to him you noticed that he was drenched in sweat and was wearing nothing more than a pair of ill-filling booty shorts. His shirt was tangled in the blankets and also damp.

"Hurts," Junkrat mumbled as you sat on the bed beside him, "Oh God it hurts so bad."

"I know, baby, I know," You whispered, placing a hand on his forehead and wincing at the heat of it. You grabbed a discarded towellet from the floor and wiped his face, neck, shoulders, and chest clean of sweat. He gasped as your hands ran across his chest and you frowned feeling his sporadic heartbeat beneath your fingertips.

You gently sat him up in bed, apologizing when you heard him groan painfully, with you sitting behind him. Your left arm wrapped around his thin waist to keep him in place as your right went to the red and swollen stump of his right arm.

He gasped and screamed briefly before his head lulled back against your left shoulder, a pitiful sob bubbling from his throat. You kissed his too-warm cheek and continued to massage his stump and rub comforting circles into his chest. His left hand flailed for a moment before grabbing at your thigh and squeezing almost painfully. You knew he wasn't trying to hurt you or get you to stop, he just did it to ground himself.

"It's okay, Jamie. I got you," You whispered into his neck, pressing another kiss there, "Don't worry, you'll be okay."

After massaging his arm for a while you leaned forwards a bit and began working his leg. His quiet siffling became louder as soon as you grabbed his leg. He made a noise halfway between a moan and a cry as you began gently working the taut muscles there, knowing that they had been cramping for God knows how long.

That was the thing he had told you about his leg. Since he still had some of the muscles close to his knees, there wasn't any way to actually stretch the muscles out. Most people would twist the ankles and feet this way and that to stretch out their calf muscles, but since he had no lower leg to speak of Junkrat didn't have that as an option.

Turning his head to the right, Junkrat cried into your neck with his eyes shut as you used both hands to relax the muscles of his amputee leg. You felt his fingers on your leg squeeze and release frequently and knew that you'd have bruised there in a few hours. It didn't matter to you though, as long as Junkrat felt better.

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