007 Little Witch Academia//Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger

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.Tech Junkie.

Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank Albrechtsberger x Female!Reader

A/N: Please, just let me be a lesbian for the little tech junkie. Please. Just this once (maybe twice).

Trigger Warning: Minor/Implied Homophobia (but only if you squint-)

Word Count: 3051


You had first met Constanze through Akko. She had suggested the two of you "become friends" since you were both interested, and well versed, in engineering. You had tried to seem nonchalant about it, but in reality you were super excited to meet her.

She had actually first caught your eye during the Academy's broom race about two months ago. The addition of a separate engine and propellers to her broom along with handles was honestly such a cool concept that you wish you had thought of. Seriously, she had made an entirely different power source for her broom. Ever since you saw her broom in action you've been trying to find ways to talk to her. The only problem is that you didn't actually know her all that well; for that matter, you didn't really know anyone all that well since you had started your time at Lunanova this year.

Despite being loud, excitable and somewhat annoying at times, Akko was kind enough for you to get along with, see as she's also new and all. The two of you had only been casually friends until she had gotten to know Constanze. You remember the day after the two of them spend time together, how she wouldn't stop talking about her; not that you minded the subject matter, but rather how loud she was being.

Akko had talked your ear off about her and you couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy rise up in you as you listened to her. You were pulled from such thoughts, however, when she mentioned introducing you to her. She went on about how you two would 'hit it off' for your love of engineering and technology and that you two would make great friends.

You perked up at this idea and, as calm as you could, agreed to it. About three days after your conversation with Akko, she had introduced you to Constanze.

You were never that good with first impressions and holy crap this girl made your knees weak. She was short -- shorter than you -- and small, yet she still gave off the vibe that she could beat your ass.

You remember introducing yourself and shaking her hand and, wow, she had a pretty firm grip. She was somewhat standoffish the first time the two of you met but you understood that; afterall, you were very much the same way when you first arrived at Lunanova and before you met Akko (because even if you didn't want to admit it she had actually helped you become more extroverted than you were before).

Akko had pretty much led that conversion for the majority of your time together, but it was towards the end of your get together that you noticed Constanze was having trouble with something.

Glancing over at her work, you saw that amongst all the metal components and welding tools, she had a small breadboard in her hands, trying to wire -- what you assumed was -- a combination circuit, although there were definitely flaws in what she was doing. She had the resistors in the right places and the wires that connected to ground and power supply were good, but the wiring for the actual circuit was all wrong. You assumed she had tried to wire the breadboard like a parallel circuit while adding in components of a series -- which was understandable, a combination circuit was just a combination of series and parallel circuits -- but that just isn't how wiring works.

"Stop," You had said after a moment of watching her fiddle with the breadboard which shocked you and her. She looked up at you, almost glaring before you continued, "You don't need that many wires. Remove the ones here, here, and here, then move the two red ones to sideways and connect them in the plugs above the resistors up here and connect the black ones to the ones below the valley and to ground." You explained the best you could, although she stopped doing what you told her to do after removing the extra wires and moving only one of the red wires over.

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