Her Butler, Perturbed

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Me: Hai!!!!

Lucy: Ummm are you okay?

Me: Nope! I have actually recently had my heart crushed so I'm pretty sad! Not to mention I lost my first two Tennis Matches which isn't really my fault since my team just started playing but we'll get better! Well, I'm going to put all my sad feelings out into this chapter! I'm glad I have all you lovlies out there to support me or whatever so thanks for reading and I heart each and ever one of you!


   I was downstairs at the den with the rest of the gang. Sebastian stood behind Ciel who was sitting on a large Veronica Chair much too big for him, as I resided on the carpet; simply staring into the flames of the fireplace only a few feet in front of the two.

   Ciel broke the silence. "So, Lily," he announced after clearing his throat. "You have clearly managed to win the heart of my demented butler. Now if you wouldn't mind--" He interrupted himself with a heavy sigh. "Can you just tell us what you are?!" The orphaned boy nearly shouted.

   Sebastian's eyes widened and he glared down at the boy, angrily reprimanding him before Ciel snickered. "Well I apologize but I don't have the time for this!" He growled. "The last of my family was obliterated tonight and I am now completely and utterly alone!"

   I chuckled sadly, causing everyone's eyes to turn to me. "Your not the only one..." I murmured, pulling my knees up to my chest and gazing into the flames enveloping the firewood beneath them.

   Exhaling heavily, I began my story. "I was born slightly before Sebastian in a dimension called Pancena." Sebastian's eyes widened as he unlocked another piece of the puzzle; immortal. "I was born into a royal family. You see; I'm a werewolf. We have different...packs I guess you could call it.

   Despite each pack having its alpha wolf, there is one pack which rules them all; the Shadow pack. My mother was the queen of said pack, therefore ruling over all the others. Everything was fine. I had a family that loved me, a wonderful future ahead of me, anything I asked for." I took a deep breath. "And then my fifth birthday came." Shutting my eyes for a brief moment, I opened them and continued.

   "It was almost nighttime and my mother and I were waiting for my father to come home so we could go out to dinner. It being the winter holidays, we were staying at our vacation home deep in the woods. I was so excited since my daddy would always bring me a bouquet of Lilies, the number varying on my current age." I smiled sadly before it slowly faded away.

   "However, he was taking slightly longer than usual. But finally, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to the door and yanked it open excitedly only to be shot down when the corpse of my father was thrown in front of me. I screamed and backed away when my mother entered the room. She was horrified insisted that I left the room. I objected, not wanting to be alone, but she continued to press me. I ran upstairs and...and..." Tears brimmed in my eyes as my voice cracked. "And I don't know why I didn't make her go first."


   Biting back the tears, I continued my story. "After hearing a shriek of pain and a door slam shut, I ran downstairs to see my mother on the floor. There was a large blade in her chest, her eyes glowing glassy. I began to cry. I kept on asking, what did I do wrong? Was I a bad girl? Did mommy and daddy not want me anymore? My mother simply told me she loved me, and that I would be a great queen just like her."

   Simply shaking my head to keep the tears at bay, I concluded my story. "I knew I had to find my way back to the palace, so I ran. I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. And when I finally stopped, I met a man. He appeared nice and I trusted him. Trusting anyone was the biggest mistake I haf ever made. The man was a demon. When I had least expected it, he had grabbed me and took me to a mysterious place. It was like a prison accept I was the only captive. They told me I was special. That I had the greatest soul of all time and that they would make it even better. There was about ten the men, all demons. They would...take their turns with me three times a day all at once for seven years. When I finally turned twelve, something...broke inside of me. I went crazy and killed all of them. After finally getting to the palace and taking my place as the queen I grew cold hearted and cruel. I hated demons and our opposing race; the vampires. It being the year 3025 in my dimension, I decided to travel to 19th century England for a vacation and bumped into Sebastian. And there you have it."

   The silence in the room was eerie and cold despite the cackling fire. When suddenly, I felt tight arms wrap around my torso from behind, gently pulling me onto a firm lap. I sighed and looked back at the demon hugging me for a moment before my eyes flicked over to Ciel; his one eye wide before he blinked and met my gaze, his soft and understanding. "I...I apologize for your loss..." he murmured.


   My crimson eyes grew wide as she finished her story. So that's why she didn't trust me at first. That's why she looked at me with pure hatred in that alleyway. Shaking my head, I darted over to her and wrapped my arms tightly around her. "Oh my poor love..." I said softly, kissing her cheek gently and resting my chin on her shoulder.

   For some reason, as she talked about her past, it made me feel...perturbed. Another word for upset. It made me upset that all those awful things happened to her. Upset that she almost cried at her terrible childhood. Upset that those disgusting demons put their filthy hands on my Lily.

   I snarled softly, my eyes glowing pink as a small squeak erupted from my love. My eyes returned to crimson. "Are you alright ,my love?!" I blurted, turning her on my lap to face me. She chuckled softly and cupped my cheeks. "I'm fine, Sebastian," she said softly. "Now that your here..." A small smile appeared on my lips. She trusted me. She chose to trust me. To not kill me. To allow me to worship her as my personal queen. To allow me to love her. And that did not make me perturbed.

Me: Aww! We ended the sadness with a dash of cuteness!


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