Her Butler, Losing

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Me: Dun worry there's more to come!! After this, I will start my second book after I finish Despite Death and Sorrow and hopefully you guys will love it! Please comment and vote if you even want more books in this series because I feel like very little people read this book despite how much work I put into it.

Lucy: Damn dude. That got deep.

Me: Thats not the only thing getting deep! This chappie is gonna be intense so please enjoy! ^-^


After the 'little' incident with the angel, Sebastian had deemed me bedridden for two days while Ciel and him went to Paris to meet with the queen.

With that being said, I did not expect to awaken late at night and be greeted with a cold being beside my warm one. The butlers toned body pressed against my soft, thin one; crimson eyes gazing down as large hands gently caressed my hair.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Paris? The city of love? Without me?" I asked, feigning grumpiness as my silver orbs gazed up to meet his pale face.

"Yes, my love. But my young master has angered me yet again, that little brat," he murmured softly. "So I decided to check on my lovely queen and revel in her beauty as she slept." I rolled my eyes. "Trying to butter me up with your fancy compliments?" I asked.

"I mean every word," Sebastian purred, nuzzling my neck cutely. I placed a kiss on the demons forehead. "You wouldn't call me beautiful if you knew what I really looked like," I murmured, running my fingers through raven locks.

"Well, then show me," he asked, pulling away slightly to gaze into my eyes. "I...I don't want you to leave me..." I whimpered softly. Cold fingers gently gripped my chin, tilting my head upwards to meet his gaze. "Nothing could ever make me stop loving you," he whispered with a smile.

I was about to speak when there was an incessant and loud knock at the door. "Lady Lily!! The city of London!! Its on fire!!" Mey-Rin shouted. I raised a brow and turned to Sebastian who had immediately sat up. "And Pluto is gone!!!" Finny cried as if it was much more important.

"Go find Pluto. I'll go see what the fuck is going on in London," I ordered which they surprisingly obeyed as the putter patter of their clumsy steps indicsted the had gone to do what I commanded. "The kid?" I asked. Sebastian was already dressed and half way out the window. "I am on it," he hummed. "I'm coming with you," I stated, putting some casual attire from my time on as he froze.

"Your still weak," the demon said gently. "You must continue to rest." "Bull shit," I snapped. "I'm not letting you have all the fun." I finished dressing and glared at him. "Fine," Sebastian surrendered. I smiled and followed him out to the burning city.

We ran into Ciel at Buckingham palace. Well, him and a dead queen. "I smell angel," I growled as we swiftly escaped from the british guards. "And you have found one," Angela smiled warmly. "My dear queen of darkness." I growled lowly. "Sebastian. Kill her. That's an order," Ciel snapped, ripping his eyepatch off.

"Yes, my lord," Sebastian snarled, eyes glowing fuchsia. "Lily, take the young master and flee." My eyes widened. "You can't be serious," I frowned. "I'm stronger than you are! I can help!" His head snapped back to glare at me. "Go! Now!" The demon growled, his true form, whom I had longed to see, beginning to form.

I scowled at his stubbornness, taking Ciel in my arms and running. "God damn demon," I murmured. "Don't get yourself fucking killed."


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