Her Butler, Striving

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Hai guys! I HAVE RETURNED FROM EUROPE!! Yep it was a lot of fun I went to three countries, Paris, Amsterdam and London in that order. Paris was definitely my all time favorite so if you do want to hear more about my trip cause your a stalker-- I mean, person interested in my life *nervous smile* Don't sue me. Theeeennnnn, just message me! Annnnnnnnnnnnndddddd on with the chappie!


   My eyelashes fluttered as I groggily awakened from my rest. Groaning at the throbbing in my head, I sat up and came face to face with a worried looking demon.

   "Thank Satan, your awake!" Sebastian cried, embracing me tightly before pulling away and examining my body in a concerned way. "Are you alright?!" He blurted, crimson orbs meeting my own. "T-That blasted angel was messing with your head and you began to mumble and then you transformed into this shadowy beast and, and I am so sorry for what I did with that nun, it meant nothing and--"

   I had internally lost it with the mention of the angel as memories of my past flooded my head, much like a tidal wave roughly smashing against the shore. I pressed a finger to his lips and forced a smile onto my lips. "Its fine," I said, a voice in my head making it even harder to communicate. Anything to end his useless blubbering. We'll kill him later...

   "Y-You are not angry?" He stuttered, eyes widening. Nodding it off, I quickly changed the subject. "Could you go and make me some tea?" Sebastian raised a brow. "But you hate te--" Before he could finished, I could tell he noticed my eye's slight twitch in irritation. About to probably ask if I was okay, I quickly intervened. "Please," I strained through gritted teeth.

   Nodding slowly, the butler stood and walked through the door, stopping to look back at me with a worried gaze which I responded with a painful fake smile causing him to quickly take his leave.

   As soon as the oak door shut I collapsed onto my knees, gripping my head. I'm not supposed to remember! This isn't possible! Aww isn't that a shame? Maybe you should try relaxing. Go ahead and brush your hair just like your mother used to do for you before the incident.

   As if in a trance, a crazed smile graced my lips as I stood and stumbled to the bureau. I seated myself before the mirror and began to brush through my cascading raven black hair, that sickening smile remaining on my lips.

   The smile flickered as I caught a glimpse of my deceased mother behind me in the reflection of the mirror. "What do you want?" I spat, silver eyes narrowing as the actions on my hair paused. My mother pouted. "What?" She teased. "Can I not drop by and pay a visit my own daughter?"

   I snarled. "Don't play dumb with me." The woman sighed and looked down. "I know what happens when you get like this," she murmured. "I don't want you using fear to control people, like your going to do with him..." I stood abruptly from my seat, turning my back on the mirror and gripping the nearby nightstand with my free hand, eyes pinched shut.

   "But what choice do I have?!" I shrieked, voice growing hoarse as I began to pant heavily. "Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way...Even you fear me." My mother smiled warmly. "No Lily," she said. "I love you. I do." Tears welled in my eyes as my grip tightened on the brush and I quickly turned to the bureau, throwing the brush against the mirror and watching as it shattered the glass into my million pieces. Falling to my knees, I choked a sob and began to cry, ignoring the sound of the door creaking open.


   My eyes were wide as I saw the form of my once strong and confident Lily, broken and sobbing on the carpet. Gently setting the tea tray down on a nearby dresser as I quickly ran up behind her fragile form, wrapping my strong arms tightly yet carefully around her.

   That only seemed her cry more. The last thing I saw her doing was throw her brush at the mirror before collapsing onto her knees and beginning to weep. Swiftly turning her quivering form to face me, I gently tilted her chin up to mine. "My love, whatever is the matter?" I asked gently.

   Lily choked a sob, bowing her head as tears began to roll down her cheeks abundantly. "I-It hurts..." she sobbed. "I-It hurts so much..." I frowned. "What hurts, my dear?" I pressed. "And why? It's the only way I can help." After a few more minutes of her heartbreaking tears, I managed to get her to slow her cries to a sniffle.

   And thats when she explained. After so long of having lost her family, she had no recollection of them whatsoever. No memory of their appearances at all. Therefore, when the angel suddenly brought her images of her parents; she was absolutely shocked. She didn't know what to think. After all she's seen, all she's been through, she's never been the say. So her mind didn't know whether her parents love her, or absolutely hate her. And their mixed voices rage in her head without relent slowly beginning to drive Lily off the brink of sanity.

   I knew what I had to do. "My love, just hold still," I whispered, gently placing a hand on her forehead. "This will only hurt a bit." Biting my lip, I began to remove the memory of her parents, continuing despite Lily's cry of pain as I tore the memory from her brain.

   Despite being a cold-hearted demon, I did have feelings. Only did those feelings actually show around her. It was hard to act tough and cocky when the love of your life was crying out in pain. All I wanted to do was hold her, and kiss her, and tell her I love her over, and over, and over again until she was sick of my voice. And even then, I would not stop worshipping her like the queen she was.

   But sadly, those happy, loving thoughts came to a crumbling down as I removed my hand from her forehead. I smiled gently as her silver eyes slowly opened. "Are you feeling better, Lily?" I asked warmly. She froze at my voice and growled lowly, standing abruptly. "Lily?" I asked, confused. "Where are you going, my love?" She turned to me furiously. "Don't you dare call me that, you cheating bastard," she spat. Shit...

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