Her Butler, Betraying

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Hai guys! So this chappie is actually a two parter with the next chapter. They won't be titled the same but it is indeed a two parter. In some personal news, i have laryngitis! Awesome. So if anyone knows how to get rid of/and or treat it PLEASE TELL ME!!!! *Clears throat* Anyways, enjoy this heartwrenching chapter full of sadness and pure evil authorness.


   Crash! "Um..." I said, all eyes on me as I had just knocked over a jar of some purple potion. "It was him." I pointed at Grell who was standing beside Undertaker who was currently buried in a jar of salt.

   "Me?!" Grell shrieked. "Why you little mutt!" He lunged at me and I merely stepped to the side, allowing him to crash into a shelf and knock everything over onto him. "Who's the mutt now?" I murmured quietly, crossing my arms and looking over at Sebastian who sensed my rising anger at the reaper and greeted me with a small smile.

   I managed to smile back and decided to join the others. I walked over beside Sebastian and listened in on Ciel and Undertaker's conversation. "So will you help us in?" Ciel asked boredly, raising a brow. Undertaker giggled. "Very well," he chuckled. "But get me out of here." Ciel nodded to Sebastian who bowed slightly and quickly helped Undertaker out of salt.

   Once he was out, we were off. I sat beside Sebastian in a small, uncomfortable wagon. My silver eyes were slightly widened and darting around the tiny space erratically as my breathing came out in ragged pants. Sebastian noticed this and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "My dear, might you be claustrophobic?" He whispered.

   Looking away, I nodded slowly. "M-Maybe..." I muttered. Sebastian only smiled gently. "Just stay calm," he whispered into my ear. "Were almost there." At those words, we felt the wagon screech to a stop. The tarp above the wagon was suddenly pulled off.

   The three of us in the wagon looked up and were greeted by the face of the smiling man. A priest to be exact. Ughhhh. "There is no reason to hide," the priest said. "This is a place where all are welcome." Sebastian helped Ciel and I out of the wagon as Undertaker simply giggled.

   The priest led us into the small Christian town before bowing and walking away. The sun was setting and I looked around at town. There was a lot of nuns everywhere. A small group of them passed by us and looked at Sebastian, giggling softly. I growled warningly at their flirtatiousness.

   I turned around to see Ciel whisper something to Sebastian who nodded and bowed. Do whatever it takes to get the information, he said. I raised a brow as they walked over to me. Sebastian took my hand and we followed Ciel. It soon got dark and the three of us were simply waiting around for some reason.

   Right as I was about to ask why, one of the nuns bumped into Sebastian. "I-I'm so sorry," she said, blushing madly. Sebastian smirked slightly and slammed a hand beside her head. She flinched and he slowly pulled away. "A bug," he whispered, blowing the insect off his glove.

   My eyes widened. What is he doing?!  Sebastian whispered something in the nun's ear and she blushed harder before  nodding slowly and taking Sebastian's hand, walking out of the room and into a small cottage. Tears gathered in my eyes. No, no, no, no, no. Maybe...maybe he's not-- and thats when the moans started. And it wasn't just hers, it was Sebastian's too.

   That...that asshole. How could he do this to me?! I loved him! He said he loved me! I stood abruptly. "I-I'll be waiting at the church," I told Ciel, flinching as my voice cracked. I quickly fled into the empty church, sitting all the way in the last pew in the corner. I brung my knees to my chest and began to cry into them. I should've known from the beginning. A demon could never love. He's just toying with me to make my soul taste better. I choked a loud sob. To think he actually loved me....


   This was disgusting. I hated doing this. This nun was nothing but a filthy mortal, nothing compared to my beautiful Lily. Oh Lily. Please understand I'm not doing this for myself. I am not enjoying this at all. I dont like to hurt you...I sighed. Hopefully, she would understand. After the deed was done and I had gotten my information, I dressed and exited the small cottage. I walked back to Ciel and explained my newly recieved information. "Bassy!" Grell cried, appearing and hugging me. I sighed heavily. Fantastic.

   We walked to the now full church, Lily was sitting in the last row. I sat beside her, gently reaching over to grab her hand. "Please Lily," I whispered, only for her to yank her hand away and scoot away from me, leaving Grell to take the space between us and cling to my arm. I whimpered softly and turned my attention to the front and watched the scene go on before us.

   After the cleansing had finished, the church began to clear out and I followed Lily out. She was making her way to the priest for some reason. To volunteer herself to finish the mission. I scowled as I was stopped in my tracks by Ciel's voice. "Sebastian hurry it up," Ciel said. "Fix your relationship quickly, we need to continue the mission."

   I nodded quickly and caught up to Lily, placing a hand on her shoulder. Immediately knowing who it was, she swatted the hand away, increasing her pace. "Lily, please," I begged, quickly turning her around to face me.
   "Don't," she muttered, her gaze lowered and my voice cracking slightly. "Just, don't." Biting his lip, he tried again. "Lily," I began, voice shaky. "I-It was an order--" she immediately cut me off. "Don't give me any of that order bullshit!" Lily snapped, furious. "It was not a god damn order! I was there when the brat said it! He said, and I quote, "Do whatever it takes to get the information." That meant, you could've tortured her, talked to her, anything but fuck her! But I should've expected this from a god forsaken, sex-crazed, demon. We're through." She turned on her heel, keeping my arms crossed as she walked into the priest's cottage.

   I stared at her as she followed the priest back into the church, only stopping to tell Ciel she was finishing the mission for her. Ciel simply nodded and I walked over to him. Holding back tears, I watched as the priest began to read to Lily. Please don't hurt her...

   My prayers, were sadly not answered as the maid from a few days ago burst through the stained glass window above window. Except, as I thought, she wasan Angel. The angel smirked and grabbed Lily. My eyes widened and I ran forward to grab her when suddenly, cinematic records sprung forth and entangled us. Leaving me to watch in horror as Lily screamed before falling unconscious, letting the angel take her. No...

Oh snaaaaapppppp. Whelp, there's plently more where that came from. Sebastian betrayed our poor Lily, and now he pays the price. Sorry for the cliffie, but were back in business baby! Stay fabulous lovlies!


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