Her Butler, Observing

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Me: Hey guys. So, today's authors note is gonna be a little toned down as I explain myself to all of yous. Basically, I didn't update at all last week because I was super tired from all my tennis matches that week and I was super nervous since I had a crush on this guy and I was tired of being depressed all the time for the fact that he might not like me. So this week I decided to confess to him and waited a few days for a response. My friend told me he said no and apparently it was super mean like a "Were not even friends anymore," kinda thing so I got super sad since I dont like guys often and when his girlfriend broke up with him, I was the only one there for him. Anyways, enough of my personal life shit, I'm so so sorry for not updating I promise to make this chappie extra fab. Stay fabulous lovlies.


   I sighed and knocked on the library door. "Lily, my love," I said, entering the room filled with the endless shelves of books. "We have a mission to go on. I need you to be ready in five minutes."

   Lily groaned as she dropped the book she was currently reading onto her stomach, allowing me to get a better glimpse at the title. Twilight. She sighed and stood. "Well, that was a terrible, terrible, book anyways," she murmured, stretching and exiting the book.

   As I watched her exit the room, I wandered over to the book and picked it up, flipping to the beginning and began to read. Lily returned to the library five minutes later, dressed in tight pants and a short v-neck. "Oh Bella, he loves you! Don't go to that building its a trap!" I cried, hands tightening on the book cover.

   Lily raised a brow. "Uh, what are you doing?" She asked, suddenly behind me. I jumped slightly, quickly shutting the book. "E-Erm," I stuttered. "N-Nothing!" My love chuckled. "Okay then," she said, exiting the room. "Lets go then." Blushing lightly at the embarrassing act I had just been caught in, I shamefully followed.

   While in the carriage, I gently placed her onto my lap, burying my face in her hair while she looked out the window, her hands resting upon my own which resided on her waist. "Where are we going anyways?" She asked boredly. Ciel looked over to us, raising a brow slightly. Probably at my childlike position.

   "The Queen is turning an old mansion into a hotel," he began. "Construction has already begun. But signs of paranormal activity have been happening around the construction sight so the Queen has sent us to go examine and fix the problems." Lily huffed.

   "Stupid humans," she murmured. Ciel scoffed. "Are we better in your dimension then?" He asked. Lily rolled her eyes. "We don't have humans in my dimension," she said simply. "They are in our time period though." Ciel and I were confused. "Your in a different time period?" I asked, voice slightly muffled from her hair.

   Lily nodded slightly. "I live in the year 3025," she stated. "Humans still live on Earth but not where I live. I'm in this dimension and time period on vacation." She chuckled softly, intertwining her fingers with mine. "But that took a turn didn't it?" I smiled softly, nuzzling her hair.

   We arrived at the soon-to-be hotel and I entered, following Ciel with Lily by my side, her warm hand in my cold one. After a few hours, night fell and we discovered the problem. Ghosts. Two in fact. Two brothers who died during an accident.

   Ciel challenged them to a chess match to see if he could get him to leave through a game. "Hmm, fine," the older one said. "But. If I win. I want her to be our made." He pointed at Lily. My crimson eyes widened and so did Lily's. "Deal," Ciel said before any of us could protest. "But Young Master--" I began. "Thats an order," he finalized.


   "But I hate children!" I protested angrily to a slightly frightened Sebastian. "I know, I know," he sighed, a hint of sadness in his voice. "But I need you to pretend just for a few hours. Please?" His eyes widened as he pouted cutely, his lower lip trembling .

   I groaned. "Oh, come on," I said. "Don't do it. Don't you..." I sighed. "Fine," I murmured. "But only if you..." I leaned into his ear, muttering something while a smirk slowly spread onto his lips. "Deal," Sebastian said, sealing it with a kiss.

   I spent the following morning and afternoon pampering over two disgusting children. The little one was the worst. He was always pestering me with stupid questions like Why is your hair so long? Why are your eyes silver? Why do you have those big things on your chest? Can you show me what they are? No I cannot show you what they are!

   Sebastian would probably kill him anyways if he did. All the torture ended soon though when Sebastian finally stole the little ones skull. There was screaming, crying, and a 'sad' back story that eventually led to the rekindling of brotherly relationship.

   And then we left. Finally. "It wasn't that bad, now was it, Lily?" Sebastian asked, waiting patiently on the bed. I snickered, letting my bra and panties drop the floor as I walked over to him and straddled his lap. "It was terrible!" I protested. "The little one wanted to see my tits!" The sexy demon chuckled deeply, hands slowly roaming my stomach. "Well I do hope you didn't show them to him," he purred seductively, hands slowly creeping up to my breasts. "Or I'd have to punish you."

   I smirked. "Oh? How mean," I teased. "Well, we did have a deal. Shall we begin?" Sebastian grinned wickedly. "Yes. We shall."

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