Her Butler, Discovering

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Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I WANT MORTAL KOMBAT X SOOOOOOOO BAD!!! SOMEONE GIVE IT TO ME I NEEEEEEDDDDDD IT!!!!! *clears throat* I apologize for the outburst. Lets just...lets just start the chapter...


It was a nice, peaceful afternoon. Lily and I went out for lunch while Ciel attended a date with Elizabeth. The three of us boarded the carriage, the sun now set.

Everything was going beautifully. Well, that is until the police showed up, handcuffed Lily and I and shoved Ciel into a carriage. But not before he could give me an order. Play along until I call for you. Then come to me.

Nodding slightly, I followed the officers right beside Lily. Her silver eyes glowed angrily as they shoved her into another carriage, myself in tow. "Watch it, asshole!" She growled, the constable merely snickering and signalling the driver to go off.

I gave her a reassuring smile to help calm her down. "Well, at least our date was nice," I said softly, looking down at her head which had assumed its place on my lap. My love nodded slightly, shutting her eyes.

Lily didn't seem like the type of person to be afraid of well, anything. But the look of utter terror in her eyes as a strange hunch-back chained us against the wall across from each other made me think otherwise.

"Love, what's wrong?" I asked, pure concern laced into my words. "N-Nothing I'm fine," she responded hoarsely, voice raw and nervous. "Lily," I began, the use of her name causing her to look at me; silver orbs wide and afraid.

"I will not let anyone hurt you. Everything will be fine," I promised, flashing her a warm smile. She nodded slightly and as I was about to utter some more reassuring words to her, the door swung open. And there stood everyone's favorite angel.



I snarled angrily, my chains rattling and nearly snapping at my abrupt and strong movements. My fear and worry evaporated into a boiling fury caused by the being who stood before me.

"Come back to get the other wing torn off?" I snickered, lips still curled into a dangerous snarl. Angela simply smiled innocently. "No," she said sweetly. "I'm simply here to offer your significant other a deal."

The creature of the Lord turned to face Sebastian. "Hand over the boy and I will give you thousands upon millions of souls to feast on." He merely snickered. "Not a chance," he sneered. "No amount of souls comes near to the one as precious as his."

Despite the refusal of her proposal, the angel remained peaceful. "What a shame," Angela sighed. "I guess if no other soul can compare, then you won't mind losing this one." Confused, Sebastian was about to speak when I felt a cold, metallic collar touched my neck. My chains were undone and I landed gracefully onto my feet only to be yanked onto my knees by the now burning silver collar around my throat.

Crimson eyes widened as he thrashed in his chains; unable to break free from the order. "Let her go!" He growled, eyes glowing furiously. "Do not dare to harm her!" Angela simply chuckled and kicked the door open. "Oh, don't fret," she giggled. "I'll simply be next door playing with my new pet." She tugged at the leash attached to my collar, the motion causing the forbidden metal to burn my skin and resonate a yelp from my lips as I had no choice but to follow.

I heard the door of my new cell slam shut as she shackled me to the wall. "Don't try to escape, doggy. These chains are pure silver." I growled. "Burn in hell," I spat. "Oh, I'm afraid your the one who will be doing that," the angel giggled, a long whip appearing in her hand fashioned of the similar metal on my wrists.

The next few hours were absolute torture. Literally. It was a rather repetitive movement. Slash, slash, kick, slash, slash, claw, slash, slash, mention horrible memories of my family and give me internal trauma.

By the time Sebastian had finally burst into the room; Angela was gone. And by the way his eyes widened in horror, I could tell my injures must've looked even worst to someone else.

My wrists and neck were burned from the silver pressing deeply against them. My clothes were torn at the stomach and legs leaving me left in nothing but my undergarments which were sticky and wet by the large amount of blood stuck to them. My wounds were deep and painful, the use of a silver weapon causing them to heal at a much slower pace. Black blood was dripping and oozing from the various slashes and claw marks left by the vengeful angel.

I glanced up weakly at Sebastian, silver eyes dim. He hurried to my side and quickly undid my chains, catching my frail body in his strong arms and gently cradling it against his chest. "Y-You promised--" I began shakily. Sebastian cut me off, gently kissing my forehead. "I know, Lily, I know," he said softly, beginning to exit the cell. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

We arrived at the manor swiftly, Ciel was already downstairs eating dinner. "I apologize for coming so late," Sebastian murmured, bandaging my wounds carefully. "I had to rescue that damn brat first." He chuckled softly, finishing up the job. "My mother taught me how to wrap wounds before she--"

I knew as soon as he mentioned his mother that I had to tell him. Tell him a terrible secret I've been keeping for a long, long time. I practically almost died today and the longer I kept the confidential matter the worst his reaction would be. I bit my lip and cut him off.
"Before I killed her," I finished. The demon stood there, at a loss for words. "Y-You...you did what?" He asked. Sebastian chuckled nervously. "Y-Your joking right?" I lowered my gaze. "I was young," I began. "It was right after what those disgusting demons did to me. I went to your father. He was a high ranking demon, and so I asked him to apologize for what his filthy demons did to me. He merely snickered and told me he wasn't apologizing for anything. So I followed him home." I clenched my fists. "You were all so...happy together. Laughing and hugging. And I was jealous. Jealous of how happy you were and how happy I wasn't." I looked up at him, smiling crookedly. "I took your mother and your sister. I made it seem like it was your fault so your father would blame you. And I tortured them. I made them beg and scream for mercy as I skinned them alive. And when it was finally over, I shape shifted to look like you; and I killed them. And your father tortured you. And beat you. And drove you off the brink of sanity. And I was finally happy."

Tears rose in his crimson eyes. "Y-Your a monster..." Sebastian said, shaking his head. "Your a monster and I want nothing to do with you. Ever. Again." He stormed out of the room, tears streaming down his cheeks.

I bowed my head in shame. I knew I shouldn't have told him. Him discovering this...I ruined myself. My only chance of happiness. And now he hates me...

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