Her Butler, Shocked

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Me: Yoooooooooo its announcement time lovlies!

Lucy: Ooh news!!

Me: So, I'm going to Europe from the 16-24 of this month so I will be unable to update next week so sorry lovlies! I can still recieve messages but will be slow to response. I hope you guys can understand but for now, I will give you a fabulous chappie!


   I awoke in a field of roses. The sky was bright, the sun was shining leaving my skin feeling nice and warm. It was an overall beautiful day but I knew something was wrong.

   Wasn't I just attacked by an angel not to long ago? Yeah a fucking killer angel who needs to get her shit together. Bitch. Narrowing my eyes, I quietly and slowly stood, the roses at my feet swaying slightly at my abrupt action.

   My silver orbs scanned the field of crimson which seemed to go on without end. A gust of wind blew violently behind me as I quickly turned to face my potential enemy, eyes glowing and fangs bared.

   And what I saw next knocked the air out of me. My eyes widened and my once confident frame began to shake. "M-Mom...?" I barely managed. "D-Dad?" The figures of my brutally murdered parents stood before me, appearing perfectly fine.

   The two smiled warmly, their bodies and faces perfect like I had always imagined. "Hello, Lily," my mother said softly, resting her head on my fathers shoulder. "H-How?" I stuttered. They answered me by simply extending there arms and unfurling their palms at me. "Join us," they said simultaneously.

   As if in a trace, my figure straightened as I began to take slow, robotic steps towards my parents; eyes wide and seeming out of focus. A warm smile rose onto my fathers lips. "Yes," he spoke. "Come to us, Lily. Let us cleanse you from all the shame and darkness in your life. To make you happy and perfect. Snuff out the unclean, snuff out the useless, snuff out the barren."

   His last words caused me to stop abruptly in my tracks. "N-No..." I murmured, fists clenching at my sides. "T-This isn't real. Y-You two died a long, long time ago. T-This shouldn't even be possible." As reality hit me like a pigeon into a brick wall, the nice, summer day crumpled and fell. The roses becoming wilted as the sun turned into a black moon in a bloody sky.

   The parental figures I once knew well began to melt away like bleeding wax, guttural shrieks of pain erupting from there very being. "You killed us! Worthless mutt! Pathetic bitch!" They screeched. I gripped my head as I pinched my eyes shut, yanking at my hair. Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop! And then, whiteness.


   "I did it Sebas-Chan!" Grell squealed, waving his scissors around ecstatically. Rolling my eyes I quickly lifted Ciel into my arms, hopping through the whole Angela made and appearing in a completely white building. "What the hell?" Ciel scowled as I placed him down.

   "Where are we?" Grell appeared beside us. "Huh," the shinigami said. "Were are the Reaper Library." Before anyone could say anything else, I lost my patience. "Well what are we doing waiting around then!" I exclaimed, quickly entering the library, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

   On a singular velvet couch sat Angela, stroking Lily's hair which laid upon her lap, unconscious. "Lily!" I cried, bolting over to her and about to attack the disgusting angel when William stopped me. "Don't," the monotone reaper said, pushing me away slightly. Grell and Ciel joined my side. "Interrupting the process will permanently ruin her cinematic record, leaving her mentally scarred. She will never be the same again. Its up to her to overcome the angel's power."

   Narrowing my eyes, I clenched my fists at my side, looking over at Lily pleading. Please be okay, please be okay, I'm so sorry for what I did. So, so, sorry-- My thoughts were interrupted by Lilys body jerking into a sitting position as she shook violently, her moon-lit orbs wide and afraid.

   Angela's own violet eyes widened as her wings unfurled and she shrieked in anger. "How dare you?!" She screeched, kicking Lilys currently fragile form in the side causing her to collapse onto her hands and knees, head bowed as her back heaved.

   My eyes widened. Lily! "Ungrateful fool! You will never be clean! Your cinematic record is filled with page after page drenched in blood and darkness that can never be erased! You are doomed to an eternity in hell!" Lilys hands gripped her head tightly. "This isn't possible," she murmured quickly. "This isn't happening, this isn't happening..."

   A glowing white sword appeared in Angela's grasp and I couldn't help but hiss at the purity of it. A hysterical smile was plastered on her face as she raised the sword over Lily. "Die!" She screamed, quickly plunging the sword into her. "No!" I cried.

   But it did not hit its target. Lily's body had turned into a mass of shadows, absorbing the sword and consuming it in darkness. Angela's eyes widened as she began to shakily back away. I was just as shocked as she was shadows that was my love transformed into a pack of large black wolves, barking and snarling madly as they charged at Angela angrily, ripping and biting at her clothing.

   Shrieking in fear, Angela made the mistake of extending her feathery wings. The largest shadow wolf clamped down violently on her right wing, yanking back to rip it clean in half. A cry of pain escaped the angel as she managed to escape in a spark of bright white light and crisp feathers.

   The wolves howled eerily at their triumph before being pulled back in on each other and taking the form of a familiar being; Lily. Her body teetered slightly as she groaned. Her eyes lidded and she collapsed onto the floor. Snapping out of my trance, I caught her inches from my floor, lifting her safely into my arms.

   The others behind me were still in shock of the incredible power they had just witnessed. I gazed down at my love with a concerned look in my eyes. "Lily..." I murmured, gently brushing some hair out of her eyes. What did you see in there?

Me: Ooh cliffie!!


Me: Hehehe, sorry. Whelp, I hope you enjoyed this chappie lovlies and hope you vote and comment! Stay fabulous lovlies! Have a good spring break!



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