Her Butler, Murdered

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Hey lovlies! I have been looking forward to this chapter for a long time. Its definitely one of my favorites so I really hope you think so too ^-^


I stared down at the body of my beloved with wide eyes. My brain didn't know how to react. So I simply stood there, and stared. The crying around me died down and all eyes were on me, awaiting my next move.

H-He...n-no, he can't be dead. T-This is just some kind of sick joke he's playing on me. R-Right? P-Please tell me I'm right. But his body did not move. It showed no signs of life. His black hair was splayed around him and his crimson eyes were wide with shock and terror. Blood was splattered onto multiple parts of his body in small amounts, all caused by the fireplace poker that was impaled into his chest where copious amounts of the red liquid resided in a small pool, staining his perfectly crisp and white undershirt.

My body trembled as I slowly walked over to him, gently straddling his lap as my silver eyes met with his blank ones. I stared at him for a minute before choking a sob, all the pent up emotions from this incident suddenly hitting me like a brick wall.

Tears streamed down my cheeks profusely as I tightly grabbed the lapels of his tailcoat. "No! You can't be dead! You promised me you wouldn't leave!" I cried, shaking him violently. "Wake up you idiot this isn't funny! You can't die. Y-You can't! You can't leave me alone!"

I raised my hand to slap him but was stopped when Ciel grabbed my wrist. "Lily. H-He...he's gone...I'm sorry..." he murmured, cerulean eye holding back tears. As he gently let go of my wrist, I softly caressed Sebastian's blood stained cheek.

Tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I bowed my head, burying it in the crook of his neck as I sobbed. I tried so desperately to find a pulse or hear a heartbeat but was only greeted with silence. "Please..." I whispered softly to him. "Please wake up..."

"We should move the body," I white haired man whispered to the rest of them. Bard and Finny nodded, approaching me and gently putting a hand on each of my shoulders. "No! Don't touch me!" I snapped, clinging onto the lifeless corpse beneath me.

"You can't have him! You can't!" Ciel shooed the two away and keeled before me. "Please, Lily. We need to move his body so we can clean him and make him presentable for the funeral," he said softly.

My heart shattered into pieces at his words. "F-Fine," I murmured, looking back up at Sebastian and gently shutting his eyes before pressing a soft kiss to his cold lips. "I love you..." I whispered before slowly and carefully removed his tailcoat from his body. Ciel had already removed the head butler's badge and handed it to Tanaka, but I wanted the coat.

It was Sebastian's favourite and still smelled like him. Glancing at him one last time, I let more tears drip down my face before returning to my room.

Over the course of the next few days, we solved the murder case. It was Charles Grey all along and once the storm cleared, Ciel sent him on his way to prison in a carriage. Sadly, he never made it since halfway there, there was a tear in his lungs and he drowned on his own blood. The cause of death was poisoning. I wonder how that happened?

I didn't want to go to the funeral. I just...didn't need the reminder. But I went anyways due to Ciel's begging. "I love you," I said when it was my turn alone with him. I gently stroked his cheek, feeling it was much colder than usual. "And I will never love anyone ever again. I miss you. A lot. Please...come back to me...I don't know how I can go on without you."

I had no tears left. Crying was all I had done for the past few days and despite the emptiness I felt in my heart, I was all dried out. Pressing a final kiss to his lips, I placed his tailcoat into his hands before taking my seat in the back of the mourning party.

Undertaker shut the casket and lowered it into the ground. Everyone was crying save Ciel and I. And suddenly, there was a ding. "The safety bell!" Undertaker giggled, pulling the casket back up and as the lid suddenly swung open.

And the One Hell of a Butler emerged from it. "That was very uncomfortable," Sebastian sighed, brushing himself off. "Sebastian!" Everyone cried, embracing him as they cried onto him. Ciel stood off to the side, grinning slightly.

"Now, now, get off me," He scowled. "Your getting snot and tears all over me." As they made way, Sebastian walked over to me a warm smile on his face. "Lily I--" I cut him off with a hard smack.


Flinching and wincing in pain, Sebastian was about to open his mouth when I suddenly stopped my attacks. I stared at him before bursting into tears. Oh great. More crying.

The demon wrapped his arms around me before I collapsed onto my knees, letting me sob into his chest. "Please, do not cry," he said softly, holding me tightly. "I have seen you cry so much over the last few days. I want nothing more than to see you happy."

Sebastian tilted my chin up gently to make eye contact with him. He smiled lovingly. "I told you I would never leave you and I meant it," he said, wiping a few tears away. "I love you." I smiled weakly, wrapping my arms around him gently. "I love you too."

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