Her Butler, Protective

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Lucy: Oh my gawd yes!! *starts throwing flowers petals everywhere*

Me: Okay then! Well, its that time of year again where you can spend the day with your significant other or be lonely forever like me! And what better way to spend this glorious day then watching our new favorite couple deal with dog fights and angels! Let us begin!


   I leaned down beside my Lily, gently kissing her cheek. "Wake up, my love," I whispered softly. "Today is very important." Lily rolled over, grunting softly. "F-Fuck...off..." she murmured groggily, hugging my pillow to my chest.

   Rolling my eyes, I decided to resort to more extreme measures. I lowered my face down to her ear, my tongue simply flicking out and going into her ear. Satisfied with the shrill squeak from my sweet, I took a step back and watch her jolt up in a sitting position, cinnamon cheeks dusted red. "W-What the hell?!" She squealed.

   Pressing my nose against hers, I gave her a closed-eyed smile. "Good morning, my sweet," I orated cheerfully. Placing a soft kiss on her lips, I lifted her up bridal style from the bed.

   Ignoring the soft growl, I began to make my way into the bathroom. "Today is very important," I said, gently setting her onto the marble counter. "My Master has recieved orders from the Queen to investigate a small town with suspicious activity. The servants think is a vacation but I suppose it could be in a way, out first date."

   Lily raised a brow and crossed her arms as I filled the tub. "And why do I need to come?" She said in an irritated manner. "I'm not exactly a huge fan of humans." I chuckled and shut off the faucet, dipping my now ungloved finger into the water. Perfect.

   I turned to face my love. "Because I want to see what you can do," I said simply, mentioning for her to undress. Lily complied with a snicker. "We might have to get into a few fights and it will be nice to see how strong you really are." I watched with a small smirk plastered onto my lips as her perfect body became free of her clothes.

   My Queen took long, elegant strides before slowly dipping her her foot into the water. Judging the water fit for her needs, she slid the rest of her body into the tub. Smirking fully now, I walked over and whispered seductively in her ear, "I also want to make sure no one sets their filthy eyes on you."

   Her body shuddered slightly at my words. Satisfied, I kissed her on the head and walked back to the door. "Oh, and you have ten minutes," I uttered with a smile, quickly exiting the room before I had to deal with the rage of my deadly angel.

   Ten minutes came and went and my love entered the bedroom, a white, fluffy towel wrapped around her figure. Lily walked over to the dresser, preparing to grab some 'jeans' and some sort of tight fitting, long sleeved shirt when I stopped her.

   She frowned and looked up at me as I held up a pink frilly dress. Her eyes flashed bright silver as she glared at the dress, watching as it burst into flames. Chuckling nervously, I gently set the charred garment down on the bed. "Nevermind then," I murmured.

   Lily smirked as her eyes flashed warningly, dropping the towel before turning her back on me, pulling on her clothes. Clearing my throat to snap myself out of the hypnotic gaze of her well rounded ass, I spoke. "I-I'll be outside with the carriage." Before promptly exiting the room.


   After dressing, I proceeded outside into the carriage, sitting at the front next to Ciel while Sebastian steered, the servants inside. While reaching the end of our drive, a small grin spread onto the Kid's lips.

   "You know, Sebastian," he spoke. "This town were going to is mentioned to have a hell hound. Meaning they worship dogs." Sebastian's body slightly twitched. "Young Master," he began. "You may have advised to tell me this before we embarked here. After all, you know how much I hate dogs."

   I frowned. He hates...dogs? He never told me this...Ciel scoffed. "Well that explains your cat closet," he said, rolling his eyes. "But what about your girlfriend? She's a dog too." Sebastian chuckled softly. "She is a wolf. Very different."

   I rolled my eyes, snickering and turning to Ciel. "Don't worry," I said. "He hates me too." Ciel chuckled at my joke and continued to look forward. The town wasn't so bad. Okay...it was pretty bad.

   The so called 'mayor' called Ciel a Chihuahua as soon as we walked in. Great start. And he has a maid. Who looks pretty innocent. And won't stop looking at Sebastian. Fantastic.

   Already wanting to leave, it only got worst that afternoon. They had dog fights. Planned dog fights. I was beyond mortified. I could only watch in horror as a pack of dogs in the cage began to tear each other apart as the crowd watching cheered them off.

   I wanted to kill them. I wanted to kill all of them. And apparently it showed. I felt strong hands grip my shoulders as my gaze of the arena was blocked by the demon butler. "My love, are you alright," he whispered, searching my eyes with a concerned gaze.

   I snickered. "Why do you care?" I murmured. "Don't you hate dogs?" He sighed. "Lily, don't do this," he said. "I know this is making you angry but trust me. We will make it better." Kissing my forehead gently, he turned slightly as the final two dogs began to eat each other.

   Tears gathered in my eyes but I refused to shed them. Sebastian pulled my head to his chest and held me close. "Come," he whispered into my ear. "We don't need to see this anymore." As he took me away, I caught one last glimpse at the 'champion' shaking with blood dripping down its maul as it collapsed. I murmured a blessing to them, shutting my eyes.

   The next morning, we took care of it alright. I nearly ate the mayor alive before the hell hound burst into the town. The people screamed and Sebastian's eyes narrowed. Right as Ciel was about to yell an order, I squealed with joy. "Puppy!" I cried, smiling and tackling its large muzzle in a hug, nuzzling my cheek against it.

   The citizens watched in awe and shock as the hell hound blinked, laying down and observing as I pulled away and began scratching at its tummy. "Aww who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" I said cheerfully. I could hear Sebastian growl in jealousy which only encouraged me to continue.

   I was so busy playing with the dog, I didn't notice as it turned human. Well, more like a naked male. Emphasis on naked. A low growl caused me to open my eyes as stop rubbing the stomach of the naked man. Large arms wrapped around me and yanked me back sharply. The man whimpered as Sebastian's eyes glowed fuchsia, baring his teeth.

   A smirk slowly spread onto my lips as I looked innocently up at Sebastian. "But Sebastian," I said. "I was only playing with the puppy. Why are you mad?" His lips lowered to my ear as he growled. "You are mine. So no one is allowed to touch you besides me. Understand?" He said seductively, causing a shudder rack through my body.

   I chuckled as his protective behavior. I sighed fakely. "Alright," I yawned. "If I have too." I began to walk to the carriage, the naked man following behind me on all fours. Sebastian snarled softly, following closely behind me and smacking my behind. "Your damn right you have too." Squeaking, I giggled slightly. "Love you too," I said, kissing his cheek as I entered the carriage, sitting beside Ciel. I guess it wasn't so bad.

Me: Aww! We had the whole package. Jealousy, sexuality, romance, and cruelty! Yay!

Lucy: Dye, I had a question I needed to ask you.

Me: Shoot.

Lucy: Dye? Will you be my Valentine?

Me: ...Fuck no.

Lucy: WHAT?!?!


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